
Have this assignment, but not sure where to start?

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Write a dialogue between two ideologically opposing thinkers discussing a specific aspect of the relationship between technology and their ideas of progress. Be sure to arrive at some kind of a consensus at the end.

Use different technological, social and political ideologies.

Any ideas?

Appreciate it!




  1. The exact names of the thinkers escapes me right now, but...  One person feels that technology, far from improving our lives, has proven to be an unnecessary distraction that actually takes away our enjoyment of our lives, takes away our leisure time, and take away time from our families.  The opposed thinker feels that technologies are labor-saving devices that increase our leisure time, which affords us more time to spend with our families, encourages economic growth, and contributes to our pleasure/satisfaction with life.

    Technological ideologies - technology as menace (life-destructive; technophobic) vs. technology as a labor-saving device (life-enhancing; technophilic)

    Social ideologies - one favors traditional/communal societies vs. other favors advanced industrial societies

    Political ideologies - Left - technology in service of man; Right - serving technology leads to service of man??? I'm not so sure about this one.  It could also be interpreted as Left = progressive, forward-moving - welcome adoption of technology vs. Right - preserve status quo, rollback clock -technology could be dangerous, destabilizing

    Just a few notes

  2. Sounds pretty interesting...have any ideas where I might find out who these thinkers are?

  3. I could really do this -

    My mom - 76, doesn't see why we need computers in school at ALL; thinks all technology is more or less evil; thinks the Internet is "the devil's work" (her words); thinks school should be like it was eons ago

    Me - 47 - been teaching 22 years; saw the first computers come into the schools (when all we had was DOS and NO graphics, pictures, etc.); being trained in 21st Century Technology for Schools; work with technology both for work and for fun

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