
Have this happen to any pregnant lady?

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i have post related to this question hours ago but didnt get any answers,i m 11 weeks and a half pregnant and my progesterone level is low i was on progesterone shots but as i m abt 12 weeks dr said we dont recommend any more but when she saw my blood result she said why its low after givin so many shots u can read detail in my other question.2nd i have some lite green kinda discharge i dont kno its normal or not cuz since i got pregnant i was having that discharge and dr said its ok u not havin any infection or else its normal but today m feeling more discharge is coming frequently is there any harm of that or m jus woring so much?any advise?




  1. I agree with the OPs. Green discharge may very well be a sign of infection, and you should be tested for infection.  Do you have any burning?  itching?  smelly discharge?  Infection could hurt you and the baby.

    i think you should get a second opinion right away.  good luck.

  2. i never had any green disahrge with my pregnancy, i'm sure it's not a normal pregnancy symptom, as for the progesterone levels being low,according to this chart, they are only just below normal levels so you may just need a higher dose maybe? but i'm no doctor, goodluck anyway hun

  3. I would see another ob/gyn asap.  Green discharge is a sign of infection.  And that puts the baby a risk.  And the low progesterone isn't something to mess around with either.  The two issues may be related.  The placenta should be making enough progesterone by the 12th week.  If there is problems with the heartbeat, I would just say go to the ER.

    Either way, please get checked by another doctor right away.

  4. green discharge isnt normal when you are pregnant or even when your arent pregnant

    it is definatly a sign of infection and this infection could be risking your baby and causing these other problems

    go see a different doctor and explain the situation as if the infection is cleared up it coul dhelp the babies health aswell

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