
Have to be in Detroit tomorrow, how far is the bus station from Wayne State University?

by Guest61497  |  earlier

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I'm taking the Indian trails and I'm coming from Lansing to Detroit tomorrow to go to school at Wayne State, and I was wondering how far is the bus station (for Indian trails/Greyhound) from Wayne State University?

How far am I going to walk? And if its far what local bus do I need to take to get me to Wayne State once I'm in Detroit?

Also if anyone is wondering, I was suppose to be living on campus, but as of now something is wrong with my financial aid so I can go to class but I can't stay in my dormitory and that's why I have to take a bus from Wayne and back.

But anyway, can someone please help me with getting to Wayne State from the bus station?




  1. Check out ridesharing, I've included a link below, but there are other choices as well. Craigslist is one choice. Google "rideshare michigan" and you'll find a number of choices.

    The bus station is not close to WSU, will cost you 10 - 15 bucks by cab and isn't really served by timely bus service.

  2. Wow, that's a hard way to go. I lived down there for a short while when my sister attended Wayne. It's a couple miles and not a safe walk either. I highly suggest taking a cab or hooking up a ride with a fellow student.

    Here's a map of the area. You must go from near the river (Howard st near 10) up 10 a couple miles.

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