
Have to swim in gym (girls only please)?

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so i have to swim in gym.

and the gym teacher said that parent notes are only allowed for 3 days.

my period is 7 days. so i'm going to have to miss swimming for 5 days atlease. and for everyday i miss swimming, i have to swim 15 laps.

and, i really hate wearing tampons. and, i dont really know how to use them =/

plus, i dont think my mom would buy them. she never did.

what should i do?




  1. When your in the water your period usually holds off because of the pressure from the water, just make sure you know this works for you before you go swimming.

  2. Yeahh you should get your mom to write a note to the gym teacher explaing your situation, If she doesnt approve then go to the pinciple about it

  3. have your mom write a note stating that you are on your period and that you need to be excused because you are not wearing tampons at your age...even though as soon as your body hits water your period stops but if you dont feel comfortable just have a note...and if that doesnt work then go to the principal.

  4. i understand where your coming from..! when i would start my period i would hate to swim but i do wear tampons and if you didnt kno that when your body is in a alot of water you do not have your period flowing at that time if you notice while your in the shower that blood does not come out. Your light to nearly no bleeding at all when your in water but you should still make sure to wear a tampon just in case. tampons would take gettin use to but why dont you just try to wear them while your swimming at school...! you dont wnat to miss so many days just becuz your body is slowin you down and lowering your grade...!! talk to your mom about tampons and tell her that your maybe ready to wear them or just say for swimming in gym..! plus known fact tampons are more likely not o embarres you with an odor from your period blood as well pads will.!!! you could leak at any time with pads and never kno....!! talk to her and see what goes on from there

  5. aw hun=[ that can definatly suck, trust me, i know periods and gym class... never good, all the other answers are really good, what they said :P good luck =)

  6. either do the laps or use a tampon...or see if you can make up the swimming another part of the year.if you do decide to use a tampon just use the slender ones.bend over at the waist and insert it as far as it will go and push the may find that tampons are a nicer solution.i know the smell is enough to make me use them...and really they are more practical.they fit into your pocket and are more discreet than a bulky pad.

  7. talk to your mom about it and see if she will write you a note explaining the situaiton. hopefully your gym teacher will understand. if she has a problem with you missing all 5 days, then talk to her about doing an alternate assignment to make up for the days you lost. if youve talked to everyone and done all you can do, and nothing works, just ask your mom if you can stay home for a few days. i hope this helps!

  8. Okay, first. Dont believe that your flow with stop when you're in the water, that isnt true. Believe me, I got my first period while I was swimming. Ugh, that was a bad day!

    Just tell the lady in charge  about your situation or if your gym teacher is a girl talk to her. Also, I have a little trick for you. Usually whe you tell a guy teacher that you have your period and you can't do somthing, they will prbably give in. THats what happened to me in gym class! My gym teacher just gave in to everything because my mom wrote a note saying something like "My daughter is unable to do swimming today because she is on her period and I am not allowing her to use tampons at her age" My gym teacher looked all nervous and is like "You can stay on the sides for the rest of this week" It was funny!

    If your mom writes a note to you gym teacher and he still says you have to swim, you should go to the principal, because you cant help if you get your period or not!

  9. I had this at a carnival. I had my mum write me a note saying that I was unable to swim as I was on my period and was not using tampons at this stage. I didnt have to go, and thank god because I had the worst period pain I lied on the couch the whole time.

  10. Just so you know, thats not true with the whole "Oh you don't have to wear anything when you're in the water because your flow will stop." Don't believe it. Cause its just a myth:)

    Anyways my advice for you is to just ask your mom if tampons are alright just cause of swimming and all. Or if you don't want to do that, just tell the lady in charge of it all that you have your period and can't go swimming.

    Good luck:)

  11. Its either tampons or no swimming.

    Try tampax pearl lites, they are very slender.  Just read the label on the box and check out for advice and suggestions.

    I've been wearing them since I started menstruating at age 11, and I'm 34 now and prefer them over pads.

  12. just tell your mom that you are only allowed to miss 3 days or you can tell your gym teacher

  13. Have your mom write a note, if the gym teacher will not let you skip in for your cycle, do one of two things. Go talk to your guidance counselor or vice principal. If that doesn't work explain to your mom that the note about your cycle won't work and try to say that you are allergic to Clorine. LOL. I know that is shady but just say the clorine gives you a rash. Maybe?

  14. why don't you just tell your gym teacher? or the woman in charge? wouldn't they understand? and i'm sure that you are not the only girl in that kind of situation..  

  15. well... I wouldn't use it (birth pills) it makes you stop your period...but I know ppl that uses it..

    Is up to you

  16. when i go swimming in my neighborhood pool and Im on my period It just stops i think that if you go in water I think it sort of stops you mensrtual flow until you get out of the water.I would say dont wear a tampon in the water but as soon as your done doing laps go to the bathroom and put on a pad or a panty liner.

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