
Have u been affected by the recycling bug and how have u been affected by it?

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i recycle what i can and when i can but i am still producing too much rubbish i just wish our local council could refer bk to the weekly pick up collections especially though the spring and summer months cos its now getting to the point of having maggots in my bin for two weeks.




  1. yes i have been affect by the bug. now i try to collect any plastic bottles and paper products if it is possible. in my house a family of five, i am the only one who collects them. we don't have any weekly pick up for recycling items so from time to time i will go to the recycling centre. But i don't think i managed to reduce a significant amount of rubbish from my house through recycling. it is hard when you are doing it alone. But it fun, so i don't think i will stop.

  2. We have a weekly pick up for rubbish and a pick up every two weeks for the recycled stuff we have blue bags to put it all in and as i recycle almost everything that isn't food my bags get pretty full and it's a struggle to get the stuff out of the cupboard but it feels great when it's all taken away and the bag's are empty for a little while.

  3. I started recycling years ago, and back then I had to drive it to a local center and sort it myself.  Not a problem when the center was close to where I lived!  I now live in a city that picks up recycling weekly, and they take virtually everything.  I'd find a way to get involved politically somehow, start a petition, or something.  I understand the high cost of fuel might also be a problem for cities and worry ours might soon begin to limit recycling pickup, since there are still alot of people who don't do it.  I'm disgusted by neighbors who's big roll-out garbage bins are over-flowing on trash day with stuff than could go into reycling bins the city provides at no cost; it's just plain lazy.

    As for us, when I met my husband he recycled very little, and I've taken it to a near extreme, even recycling the cardboard backing from a pack of batteries, or junk mail envelopes.  Absolutely everything that can will go into those bins.  Last week when the kids sorted through their old school stuff from the year, we tore the paper out of the spiral notebooks, and put paper and metal spirals into recycling!  We're a family of 5 and we don't even come close to filling up our roll-out bin every week.

  4. no, you're not producing too much garbage

    the media just wants us to focus our attention on going green

    and while yes, being a litter bug isn't good, this whole green thing is just a fad, just like getting fit was a couple years ago

  5. You don't have weekly pickup? uh wow.

  6. We were recycling 20-30 and more years ago, nothing new.

    However where we live now there is no recycling, we have to drive to get rid of stuff, it is really bothersome.

    I used to be laughed at for recycling, glad that is no longer.....

    By the way, the plastic coffee creamer containers make great flower/plant  vases!

  7. i hate every other week pick ups especially in summer wtf is up with that? s***w it, o throw everything away, the world is going to h**l anyway! :-P

  8. Our local council will not even pick up our waste paper recycling bin, they only pick up our normal rubbish fortnightly.  We have to travel over 5 miles to our nearest recycling point.  I keep jars as I make jam in the summer, and have put the rest in the normal bin, because as we live in the country we can have bags of tins etc lying about til we get to a recycle point as we have foxes and they rip the bags.

  9. Local councils are much to blame for the filth that we see around our towns.  The main reason for the recycling that they are doing is that they are paid good money for the recycled refuse they collect.  If they used that money to make the towns cleaner then it would be a benefit to every one.

    But no, they use the money in wasteful projects and never to benefit the residents.

    If they cared as much about the environment and public health as they pretend that they do, then your bins would be emptied weekly.

    Many councils are now fining people who drop litter.  Has that made any difference to the state of the streets and roadways?  Are the towns any cleaner? Not at all on both counts.

    I reckon that bye-laws should be enforced to make individuals responsible for the cleanness and up keep of the outside frontage to  their properties, home owners and shopkeepers alike, and fine them heavily if they don't.  Then they would have both the revenue obtained from re-cycling along with monies collected from fines to pay for regular refuse collecting.  Also at the same time the streets and roads would be a lot cleaner.

    But that would be too easy, instead they make the people who vote and pay for them to be in power struggle to keep their own little bit of the environment hygienic.  It would be nice to see them doing something pro-active for a change instead of just collecting money from us, and spending it unwisely.

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