
Have u ever Manifested anything in your life by Visualisation

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Have u ever Manifested anything in your life by Visualisation




  1. It can be argued that everything in my life is manifested by visualisation.  Without my consciousness to observe it, the universe wouldn't be the same place, ergo, I create the universe which I observe.

  2. A giant pink rabbit, don't ya just lurve LSD!

  3. The Power of the Human Spirit is eroded in these times of spiritual ignorance and man but exists. Visual manifestation was a virtue of the Supreme Spirits of Godhood now rare and scarce in the world.

  4. Yes through prayer!  Praise the Lord!

  5. Yes, God.

    to believe "The Primacy of Existence" is to deny God, because God is only known through faith, and faith is belief without scientific evidence.

    I have never seen God with my eyes... I see him/her/it with my mind... I don't pretend I have all the answers and I take from all religious doctrines that I have knowledge and use the best  of all they offer to enhance who I am. I choose to believe these things, therefore it is real for me, whether anyone else sees substance or not, is relatively unimportant to me.

    Because my views are not absolute and forever changing with the knowledge I accumulate. I am left only with the decision of what to extrapolate from each one.  When one considers the vastness of the universe and how truly limited we are in knowing its mysteries the idea of narrowing my mind... to the things we only have proof of existence sure seems like a waste of mental thought.

  6. This is called the Primacy of Consciousness, and it is a fallacy.

    The way the world works is the opposite and is called the Primacy of Existence. (Nor are the primacy of the body nor the primacy of perception correct.

    The Primacy of Existence states that no thing can be manifested as empirically reified from consciousness, but must exist apart from consciousness, independently.

  7. Another word for 'manifested' is 'done'. Another word for 'visualisation' is 'imagining'.

    So your question is essentially:

    Have you ever done anything in your life by imagining?

    Is there any other way?

    If I want to go to the shops, I first imagine going to the shops- maybe not the whole journey but at least my destination.

    If you are talking about creating something physical purely through thought then I think you need to start science class right from the very start.

  8. Yes,I have had several things manifested in my life through creative visualization.Although i was skeptical when i started....I now believe that the results were not coincidental.

    Meeting my Mr Right,subsequent marriage,exact job,exact place to live...list is endless.Its only when I started seeing these changes that i continued doing this.It started out as i believe(that the Universe will give you what you ask for,if you ask with all your heart)

    There are so many ways of visualising and affirming.

    Did it work for you?

  9. yes

  10. Yer

    A Hard On

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