
Have u ever been i na car crash..?x?

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Have u ever been i na car crash..?x?




  1. YES

  2. never

  3. No, thank goodness!  Have you?!  Always wear your seatbelt! Be safe! :)

  4. ya!

  5. no i haven't but one time i almost did.

  6. Yes, a couple of times.  In the worst one, I was driving my mom's car; a twit ran a stop sign and got the entire right side of the car.   Bang bang bang bang!  My passenger, who had been in a similar wreck earlier that week yelled "Look out!" so I turned left away from the oncoming car.  The litigation went on for a couple of years; don't think my parents ever got totally reimbursed for that car.

  7. Yes, A pontiac Sunfire crashed into the family's toyota Highlander in the middle of I 95


    Tires Squeal

    fortanately, no one was hurt and the side airbags helped our family

    what a bummer it was...

  8. Yes. A head-on last year. The air bags deployed and the passenger and myself were both wearing seat belts. Rescue workers wanted to air lift us from the accident scene but weather conditions wouldn't allow it (snow storm). The steering wheel was embedded into the dash from the impact. My torso was one massive bruise and I thought I was about to die. Luckily, I was released from hospital the next day. My passenger wasn't so fortunate. They suffered a broken collar bone (from the shoulder harness), a broken sternum (from the air bag), a broken knee cap (from the dash coming back) and internal injuries.

  9. Yes, many many years ago.

  10. Yup on tuesday I wrote mine off. In a new VW Golf. Head on, the "closing speed" must have been around 60 or 70mph. Guy drove down the road the wrong way. Insurance companies will only write off a car if there is over 60% of the total cost in damage. For a 20k car thats a lot!

    There wasn't a single bit of damage to me or anything past the A pillar. 3 Fire appliances, 3 police and 3 ambulances all attended.

    If your going to have a bad accident - Have it in a Golf.

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