
Have u ever been in a situation where u thought u were in love with the right person but ur really not?

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Have u ever been in a situation where u thought u were in love with the right person but ur really not?




  1. Yeah. I thought I loved this girl that was really pretty and seemingly nice, but it turned out that she was a w***e.

    Answer my question!;...

  2. yes I believe everybody has been there done that.. That's part of life.

  3. Yes, this has happened to me before. twice actually. It sucks but the only thing that keeps me going is that saying "eveything happens for a reason" and i know there's someone out there who's right for me, and i'll find him someday. you'll find that person too, ust don't give up :]

  4. yeah unfortuanely it happens alot

    but its usually with like thr first person your with for real

    like not a random fling relationship

    or if you havent been with anyone for a while then you meet someone

    but youll get through it  

  5. Yeah. It happens to a lot of people. I'm sorry your in this situation.  

  6. yeah it happens all the time

  7. it happened to me its really sad

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