
Have u ever broke someones heart? do u still remember that person? if so, do u feel remorseful?

by  |  earlier

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and r u planning to gain that person back? feel free to speak out, im all ears.




  1. Sadly yes there was this one guy named Anson that just moved in at my school and I sat next to him in language he would always try to flirt with me and say funny jokes and stuff all the time time and when i would talk or say something to him he would blush for some reason. I didnt like him at all though and one day he sent my a love letter in science that said he loved me and every thing yet i turned him down and after that he never talks to me anymore maby cause my friends all ways call him names like rejected and stuff i feel so guilty but i never liked him back hes just not my type  

  2. i broke many hearts,don't remember all the names,and don't care.   h**l no i wouldn't wan't them back, thats why i dumped them!

  3. yeah ive broken a few hearts. and in a way i feel remorseful but then i just think of why i broke up with them in the first place. and i cant regret everything or i wouldnt learn. i dont know if i want to gain my ex back becuase of the reasons that we broke up but you never know he might've been "the one."

  4. no i didnt before and never got my heart broken ,,, i take my caution

  5. yes i have broken hearts.. and there is one i regret, i was a bit mean and didnt think bout his feelings.. but now i hate him cuz he thinks hes all that

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