
Have u ever face anykind of " paranormal feeling" if yes.. how was u feel that time.?

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Have u ever face anykind of " paranormal feeling" if yes.. how was u feel that time.?




  1. I believe I have once.

    It was as though someone punched me in the gut,

    there was a feeling of desperation, sadness and

    death. I have never been back to the specific place

    since, it is one feeling that I do not want to experience again!

  2. I didn't, but my hubby did once.

    He said that he was just sitting in class, and suddenly felt that there was something inexplainable evil in the classroom. No one had came nor left... so it was something unseen. It lasted about 5 minutes. He never had an explanation for it.

  3. I think I sensed evil too..but I'd say to myself.."Don't be paranoid!" I wish I had paid attention to the feeling.

    Edit...How could I forget!! (Although I've TRIED to forget...maybe it's working!) I was a victim of evil...and yes , I felt it..and it was horrible & I want to forget. I still have nightmares. I have PTSD because of it. Before that, I thought everybody was "basically good". I was naive & uninformed & without experience in evil.  I was one of those who wanted to "save" everybody. Now I leave the "saving" to God in the spiritual world.

  4. You feel afraid - terrified. A sense of dread or evil presence is scary . As long as there is no poltergeist activity, it is ok to confront it.

  5. Yes I feel like when I go to school something follows me and watches me do my work....

    Sometimes in church something pulls my hair and I am sitting at the very back when no one is behind me and I don't think my parents would pull my hair....

  6. My backyard is haunted.  I know that sounds silly, but it is.  It backs up along a river where Native Americans used to build camps and such.  Without fail, every spring around April or May there is just a sense of desperation and sadness down there (by the river).  When Husband and I first sensed it, we ran back in the house and cowered under the blankets.  But, as the years go by, we've come to understand it and not fear it so much.  But, the first time we felt sad, we felt like there was danger.  We ran.  It was terrifying!

  7. I have had the creeps before, but I never attributed it to any paranormal source because there is no reason to.

  8. Yeah, all the time. When I first began to feel things, about 5 years ago, it was pretty scary. It can terrifying to face something you thought didn't exist. But 9 times out of ten, it isn't anything bad. I have felt evil a time or two though. Channeled it once, through my guides. That scared the c**p out of me. lol

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