
Have u ever felt this way?

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like when a special person isnt around u feel like something is missing or your constantly looking for something. but when they are near u u feel complete and u feel the need to no longer look? if that makes any sense.. have u ever felt this way? and if so what do u think the reason for it is?




  1. sort of ya

  2. Of course!! That means you like that person ALOT :)  

  3. i never felt like that until i met my finace.. he had to fly home to the states for a few weeks and the whole time he was gone i was upset.. walking into a room where he usually was made my heart sink... he's back now and i am complete again.. he is my other half so for the time he was gone i was walking around half a person

  4. not really, just have this sinking feeling every once in a while oh well

  5. You're falling in love.  And most people who have been in love feel this way in the beginning.  It wears off over time.  Not that that is a bad thing.  It needs to happen so that we can be productive in your life.

  6. yes i have felt this way for sure! when your with the person you feel safe and secure. but when the person is not around you feel all alone.

  7. yes. i think its because of some hormone in your body that is produced more when you are happy and then goes down when your just normal. so when you see a guy you like/ love it'll shoot up and when that person goes away it'll go back down to the normal level which is most likely the cause of your problem.

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