
Have u ever found the more u try and convince...........?

by  |  earlier

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yourself that your not preggers and to wait to test the more u actually think about it i am in the 2ww stage and am dying to test and haven funny feelings and more emotional you get




  1. Oh yes I think that goes part and parcel in the 2ww, sure is a mind game that's for sure. My last cycle was a monster, AF didn't come at all in June when due and I had every early pg symptom there is and of course with AF not showing it played havoc on my mind despite - HPT's, So in the end I just skipped AF and was not pg, not there in the 2ww yet as I'm only on cd10, and am waiting for ovulation now, but I won't be far away and no doubt going through the same process again with what if's at every lil niggle lol. Good Luck hope you do get your BFP.

  2. i hat3e the 2ww its so long and grueling and drives me crazy thank god for this cheap test strips on ebay cause its expensive at the store right now i am on the other side yesterday i was supposed to start and test was neg so.. who knows waiting to see baby dust baby dust baby dust

  3. thats exactly what i'm goin through now...

    but a little differnt..

    its really scary to think about it...i cry alot because i'm scared it will never happen for me...

    i also  had a weird period this month..and i'm trying to figure out if it means i'm pregnate....

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