
Have u ever got into a fight during a football game?

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Have u ever got into a fight during a football game?




  1. The closest thing to a fight that happened to me during a football game was a guy pulling my helmet off and throwing it. no big.

  2. I havn't. But if you want to go see some fights, go search oakland raider fights on youtube. Funny Stuff.

  3. Not yet..but my goal is to be kicked out my son's high school football stadium by the time he graduates (2 more years) !! LOL!

    Sorry but when I love a team, don't stand between me and my team!  

    Go Dallas Cowboys!!

    Go Kutztown Cougars!!

  4. No, and if you have then you are a loser.

    It's a game, it's supposed to be for fun.  To fight when you're supposed to be having fun is stupid.

  5. Not quite to that point yet.  However, I do get annoyed going to high school football games and have the same little brats walking in front of me and standing there talking to the point that I get pretty rude.  They go there to just be seen like it's some kind of social event.  I sometimes ask them if they are aware a football game is being played or if they even know what the score is.  I got a fan kicked out of a game once.  He was pulling for the opposing team and talking trash.  He lit a cigarette at our tobacco free school and then pulled a mini bottle of booze from his pocket and poured it into a cup with our schools' logo on it.  This perhaps would not have been so terrible but he was standing on our side of the field.  I alerted the police officers that were standing nearby.

  6. no

  7. No but my friends has. They always argue with the opponents and say they won. Then, they start like shoving each other and all these physical fighting. i just hate it.

  8. nah

  9. No.

  10. no  

  11. Hehehehe. Once when I went to a Marshall game and ran around the bleachers with a WVU ensemble on.

    That was entertaining.

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