
Have u ever got robbed?what was stolen?

by  |  earlier

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i got robbed like 2 hours ago(chicago time of me getting robbed:7:22am)ok this is my story.i was waiting at thebus stop for going to curie(this program i go to for freshman)and a guy tells me that i was doing "stuff" to his sister.i knew he was lying so when i told him i didn't know his sister nor him(and he told me that he knew my dad because he saw him with his grey truck..but he was lying)

so he snatched my phone carrying case and all.i didn't go to the program today and we cut any service to my old phone.i loved that was a sony ericsson w580i in white.

i am getting a new one because of the insurance we had.

whats ur story?

thanks for sharing.




  1. Sorry that happened.  I got my car stolen, got it back, and two months later they tried to steal it again.  I was at work and saw someone trying to get in my car while watching the surveillance cameras.  I ran outside and he was already inside my car when I got out there. I yelled for him to get out , he did and ran like h**l. So did I, thinking maybe he had a gun!

  2. yes i lost 200$ my nes system snes my playstation jewelry

  3. Sadly, my own sister was the one who robbed me many years ago.  While I was visiting my parents,  she stole checks from the back of my check book and cashed them.  Fortunately, I was reimbursed by the bank but I did file charges with the DA in the state it occurred.  Since the money had been returned and my mother paid for her a lawyer, she got off with probation; but, on the few times that I have no choice but to be in her company, I have never trusted her or left my purse or anything of value unattended around her again.

  4. Had a guy try it once.

    Broke his wrist as he reached for my money in a 7/11.

  5. We left our garage door open once and I saw a guy driving off on my bike with our leaf blower in hand.  It was almost funny in a sad sort of way.

  6. Some guy tried to steal my dad's wallet right out of his hand ...he didn't know that my dad was a self-defense instructor...he snapped the guys arm in half and then I called the cops.

  7. A friend was a victim of a robbery using threats, the two of us were in a central london pub and a rather nasty character approached and said my friend had stolen the jacket he was wearing off a friend of his (absolute rubbish) If we didnt give it to him he would see us outside with a large crew.

    My friend decided to give the jacket to him.

  8. My checkbook disappeared once.  Didn't know it was gone until my account was empty (didn't check the balance often).  Bank reimbursed me all of the money because the name they were using to sign the checks wasn't a check signer.

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