
Have u ever had a dream that felt sooo real???

by Guest60365  |  earlier

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i have, sometimes i will dream of people i know and in my dream, like if they would hug me i could feel it, but how is that when dreams are not real, does anyone knows what makes that happen???




  1. lolls.i get that sometomes too :) i once read from some random book that when you sleep , your mind does a mental replay of what has happened before or what you feel which ends up creating your dream so maybe that's what happened :)

  2. UH YEAH.

    the other night i dreamed that i was getting chased by a serial killer and i had to get away from him by running up all these flights of steps and then i had to say the 7 magic s's whatever they were...and then i woke up and my heart was pounding...

    i always dream that i make out with guys seems really real then...and i wake up really flustered and happy. :)

  3. in a book i had read that the type of dreams u get r things similar 2 wat u think or goes about in ur mind in real life

  4. i had a dream i was being burned and couldn't move and it felt so real.

  5. I have dreams like that too, and then I have dreams that come true about 3 or 4 months after.

    These things happen as a way of telling you things or to remember things in your mind. Sometimes it just lets you feel what you want. I can't really explain it, but ... yeah..

  6. Yep! It's called a lucid dream. I've just started getting into intentionally making them happen. It's really fun.

  7. well the human mind is complex. some dreams feel so real yet other dont at all. what i found is if you want to have a real real good dream the feels 100% all you have to do is think alot about somthing.... all day and all night  the more you think about it the more real dream(s) become (dont eat before you sleep because it can cause bad nightmares...

  8. I too have had dreams that were really difficult to discern from reality, like i swear i saw someone recently then i see them and they ask  "how have i been - its been ages since we met up."

    The only real explanation is a really fertile and healthy subconscious, or a willingness from your conscious state to submit to the whims of your past , present and future.

  9. idk, but all my dreams seem real b/c i can control what happens.

  10. I dreamed that I was dying, (Sounds crazy!!!) sometimes it was drowning, falling or being strangled, each one felt so real, when I woke up after my “Death”, I was either holding my breath form the drawing, my heart was racing from the falling, or out of breath from the strangling. I loved these dreams though because they were so real, and when you wake up, it’s ok :D. Lol

    But I would to know the answer to your question aswell.

  11. Well all dreams are like that just when you woke up you forget it.

    If you wake up right after the dream ( usually very scary one)

    You remember all as if it just happened.

    When you dream your brain is solving your problems.Thats why when you wake up after a good sleep you feel better and the problems seem easier to handle.

    At first brain plays the most negative thing what can happen.(your worries , fears,problems)Then other dream comes where the situation seems better.Then comes new one where problem is easy and can be solved easily(a positive dream) When you wake up right after the dream you may remember everything.

    When you wake up after the bad dream it means your brain cant handle the problem.Then people get really scared because it felt as if it just happened!

    Same  with positive dreams if you wake up after them immediately  you feel all as if it just happened.

    Hope i helped!!

  12. I do. I mean just last night I had a dream of my doggy whos passed away and omg it felt so real! It was nice to see her again

  13. When I've taken melatonin, it makes me dream vividly which I usually hate.  I had a really bad dream was a dream in a dream...and when I woke (in my dream) I had crapped my pants...when I woke in real life I was surprised that I hadn't lol.

  14. Yes I accutally woke up crying from one of them.

  15. Well..

    Really when your sleeping what you are thinking is what your dreaming. When you feel a hug its really you thinking you felt a hug! Yes it sounds retarded but it is true! So when someone is kissing you, you might really think someone kissed you its your brain that makes you think those thoughts. I have cried once in a dream and have woken up thinking I was really crying but I wasnt I felt my face it was nothing no tears or anything! Help?

    *best answer I hope*

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