
Have u ever had a paranormal experience after a loved one died?

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it can be an animal or person but could u explain it. do u know why?




  1. I have seen and spoken to my Father, Mother,

    Sisters, Brothers, and two years ago my only daughter died, and came back twice and yes I have spoke to her as well she told me of something that happened two days later.

    I believe because I have seen, and spoken to them.

  2. My grand mother after she passed, I think to just let me know she was ok.

    My donkey walked through the house just because he could or he was looking for one last treat/cookie.

  3. I have seen a number of people who claim to have paranormal experiences involving a deceased loved one.  The person knows this loved one has passed away and it's safe to assume this person misses this person.  So, if the person has died and is missed, then surely the person is thinking of him/her and would like to see him/her, right?

  4. yeahhhh... After my mom died, a cloudy dark and very visible shadow began to walk around my house for several weeks.. I admit the possibility that a hallucination is possible, brought on by emotional trauma, but this thing was way too real.. it's like looking at a person wearing all black, but see through, and walking around.. I was so freaked out after seeing this... seen other ghosts with people, but this one was the most visible yet..

  5. On the 10th of May 1969, I thought: "What's the date tomorrow? Hum, Sunday the 11th of May. Wouldn't it be sad to die on the 11th of May?"

    Next morning, my parents tell my that my brother died in the early hours of the day.

    But I don't think it's paranormal. We all think all kind of crazy things all the time. Only that when a big emotion like the death of a loved one occurs, we remember and analyze them.

  6. after i lost my twins i had a week of every night seeing my grandfather (who died when i was young) standing in front of me holding my boys..he was trying to tell me something but i couldnt hear him:-(.i was so stressed ,then on the last night i heard him say for me to stop worrying,that he was going to look after Daniel and michael til i got there. i found such peace and it never happened again

  7. Yes! many. if interested check out my website my

  8. the night my gma died i was in shock and did the whole i cant stop crying well my husband was sleeping i wen to the bathroom (past her room) went into the bathroom looked in the room and just saw my grandpa waiting there for my grandma and her walking towards him so im not sure if it was just me making it up in my head or my grandma showing that shes with him again and shell be fine im with my husband and shes back with hers

  9. Yes when my Grandfather died he appeared in spirit next to my bed to say goodby- 5 minutes later my mom called up to my room and told me that he had died.

  10. yes i have with a couple of them, but my experiences with them started before i knew they had died....

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