
Have u ever had a woman tell u that u're not good in bed?

by  |  earlier

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guys tell the truth ,u know u're not all that....LOL




  1. lmao , no as a matter of fact i havent , but im sure if she did it would be on . the beast would come out , picked up flipped on the knees hair pulled and id exact my revenge , and hope she doesnt laugh lol !!!!!!

  2. Why would you want to reveal such a stupid question that's not even your business of any one...

  3. yeah, funny story; it was the 2nd lady I had ever been with and the first one I had s*x only a couple of times, so I was really inexperienced but at the same time I had a lot of confidence. So I get with this older girl and we did it a couiple of times and somehoe the whole how many ppl have you been with question comes up. she asks me first so naturally she was older so I lied and said 9 she laughed and said I f***** like a virgin. It was a really humbling experience.

  4. I know I don't have the biggest dong. I know that I'm not the most flexible, fit person. I know that I'm not a s*x god. I've never had any complaints though. I consider myself pretty good, in fact, above average. I've seen like 60,000 hours of educational videos (p**n). I'm not hung like a horse but I know the anatomy of the woman's reproductive area (I've done some reading) and I got the motion to do it right. I've never been criticized in a bad way and I've never been called "small". That's the god d**n truth!  

  5. No.

    All the women I bedded seem to have been either satisfied or extremely polite.

  6. No.  I think she was embarassed but she thinks I'm hot so she lied!

  7. Not with my 9 inches.

  8. NOPE, If anything amazing

    No room for bad s*x in sparta!

  9. Once or twice, but almost never.  

  10. no comment !!! not telling  

  11. I had a girlfriend years ago that never could o****m with me. She got a new boyfriend, and I guess he touched her where I couldn't reach, and she finally knew what an o****m was. (wish I could of given it to her) I've learned a h**l of a lot since then.

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