
Have u ever met this kind of guy and what r u considered about him?

by  |  earlier

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I met this guy two week ago we dated 3 times. The first time we had lunch and after that he asked me to come over to his room cuz he need to do some conference call. Then we had dinner after dinner he asked me to come over to his room again for movie and i refuse to go so i went home. secound date we had dinner and watching sport on tv together and I stay over with him but we did not sleep together. The third dated he wanted me to pick him up at the airport and i did and that night we slept together. after that day i never hear from him again. I call once but he did not answer the phone so i never tried to contact him again. all the time we were together he like to hold my hand and hold me alot. Do you think he is a playboy or what?




  1. He wanted the poontang.

    You gave it to him.

    End of story.

  2. I think he got what he wanted..then poof..gone!

  3. I think you only called him once and he missed your call.  Try calling him again.  I use to call three times if after the third time there was no return call then that was that.

  4. You have given the answer he is a playboy

    forget him and carry on with you life

  5. Very smooth, he's thought this through carefully in advance and has this down to a fine art to get exactly what he wants.

    This technique has probably worked many times before...

    If it was fun for you too then that's fine, but you'll know exactly where this is headed next time, and be able to decide early on if it's where u want to go.

    Not all us men have this agenda...some guys are exactly as they seem, just decent blokes

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