
Have u ever noticed strange things in your pictures?

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I have orbs in a lot of my pics lately...some when I zoom in I can see eyes....what's this all about??? Should I be worried or is this the angels that protect me?




  1. I haven't seen anything in my pictures but orbs are supposed to be departed souls.  I've never heard of eyes in orbs, maybe they are angels.

  2. 9 times out of 10, 'orbs' are light reflected from dust specks in the air that show up in your pictures. If you are seriously thinking that you see eyes in dust specks, then yes, I would worry.

    I looked at the picture you posted , and honestly, it would be a stretch to say there's anyone "looking" at you there.

  3. Try scanning the pics, and or taking pics, or taking pictures of the pictures with an electroinc device that you can hook to the computer and poste it on myspace or something so i can take a look at it. OR, out it on Or make a video of the pictures, put it on youtube (can be private, but ima have to be your friend in order to see it) and send it to me, and I'll try to see what it is....

    But it is most likely ok... idk i gota see em myself... lol

    But please show em to me.... i realy wanna see em. You can email me at ESPIKEYREY@YAHOO.COM

  4. i haven't seen anything weird in my photos but they are mostly low res so they wouldn't pick anything like that up maybe you should post one of the photos and show people to get their views of what it is.

  5. i haven't seen anything weird in my pictures except for my own weird faces.

    mm.. don't know what you are seeing. perhaps you are seeing something. who knows. do you feel their presence?

  6. I think youre overreacting :)

    No worries <3

  7. will you please show  the pics to the public ? I do beleive you but I am quite curious though.

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