
Have u ever played Quija??

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what happened when you play quija share your story




  1. nope, and quite frankly I don't see the attraction. I mean, if it doesn't work (and it doesn't) then your just wasteing time pretending your talking to something thats not there.

    If it did work then you would be inviting spirits to possess your body, since it doesn't work blindfolded, mediums say it works by spirits possessing the body.

    Now if you believe all this, then you must see the issue with inviting demons to possess your body.

    I guess the short version of my answer is no.

  2. No I haven't. But if I ever want to, I can run down to the local Toys R Us and stand in line with the children and buy one. It glows in the dark, too!

  3. Yep, tried a couple of times with three other adult, sensible, professional people. What happened ? absolutely nothing at all. Sorry, no story.

  4. Pagans love it

    • christians fear it

    • skeptics usually get a good chuckle out of it.

  5. I have never played with a Ouija board but I am told:

    • Pagans love it

    • christians fear it

    • skeptics usually get a good chuckle out of it.

    Here is a web-site that has pretty much everything that you would want to know about it:


  6. The last time I played with a Ouija board a message came through "You will turn into a toad".  Well, I've never heard of anything so ludicrous.


  7. once again I speak to all of you out there! This is not a game and even the experts cannot truly say they can say or control the behavior and results of this board.and who really made it or the deal with what ever controls it?dont by it... dont use it and leave the talking to spirits and paranormal to  the ones who have been given and chosen to handle it.and asking questions about it is cool,but your also putting out the challenge to the naive to try it. so please be careful on your quest on this subject, and blessed be

  8. At a birthday party me and my friends played it with this fortune teller we contacted a 69 year old named Doug I think? When we asked him if he used to live there it was freaky! he said "thesth6667" and a black mark appeared on some of the people who played it legs and neck. Weird

  9. we played in a cemetery when we visited our friend's father. it moved by itself. scared us into leaving immediately leaving everything behind.

  10. Yes. Good God, stay away from it! After playing with it I got possed by the devil and my head spun around in cirles while I vomited pea soup.

    Oops, that was the Exorcist. Never mind.

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