
Have u ever seen any people who are having faith in a "FAKE" God? ?

by  |  earlier

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u such a Religious Fcuktards!




  1. Daily -- all gods are, by definition, fake.

  2. Around here, you couldn't throw a rock without hitting such a person.

  3. Seriously dustin? Buddists have no god. Nobody has any REAL proof of any kind.

  4. On here plenty yeah.

    I like your avatar

  5. do you mean at church. if so then yeah i seen thousands of people that beleive in a fake god. buddihism is the real religion.

  6. the next closest to god is MONEY and followers of each and every religion have faith in it.Look during the ganpati festivals even lord ganesh is dependant on the money power of his devotees.

  7. They are many in India, Many are living Gods.

  8. I want to ask all of you who believe that God is fake, what proof do you have that God is fake? If he is fake, how is the world running? You can't just be living life if God had not given all of us life to live.  Just because you don't believe in God you can not say that God is fake. If you do believe God is fake, prove it to me, because I believe God is not fake. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been in this world or this world would not be existing.  

  9. Sure. That very one that cast the first stone on other religions. Dun u find it suspicious?

  10. All of them

  11. Yes.  I've seen Catholics, Muslims, Jews, Hindu's....

  12. Yeah, Christians.  

  13. Absolutely.  Check with the FSM crowd.

  14. Yes dear, many people are there beside me itself who pray to their gods who have ears but do not hear, have mouth but not talk, have hands but do not bless or help, they have become stone, instead of praying to the living one

  15. Yes.  You forgot the "M" in M-any in your question.

  16. Yes. All faith is what you described.

    A god cannot be "true".

  17. To Dustin: Lol, Buddhists don't even believe in a god.

  18. Sure I have.  Buddhists, Muslims, etc.

    The God from the Bible is the only true God.  

    Prove that he is fake.

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