
Have u ever spent a significant amount of time on an answer....?

by  |  earlier

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and then right before u hit the submit button....

change ur mind?

this is a poll...

for decision making





  1. yeah, that happens to me whenever i play an avatar game, i spend like 10 minutes in those questions, and i keep on editing them.  

  2. Yes I have and I hate when I change my doesn't happen very often ....but does...♥

  3. Yes

  4. Although my body may be broken, my health in turmoil and my energy depleted, my mind stays alert at all times.

    What was you question again? Oh, yes, I don't spend much time on a question. As I read, the answer is already forming in my mind and even though I type very slowly, it is on screen as soon as is possible and I submit with no qualms.

  5. Well, I th  k th t m be I spe d a little bit too m ch time on an   wer.  I mean, it alm t seems like an answer really isn't worth answ  ing in the f  st place if it isn't a que   on that I enjoy let ing m self spi l out all ov r.  Som    es I find things that I d n't like in w at I say and want to c  rect myself and ma e my an wer a bit mo e clear, but to answer your questi n, yes, I change my mind sometimes, but often f rget to do the proper erasing.

  6. yes and i have also hit the backspace button several times to try and explain better or modify an answer! or realize the

    q was a joke! that 1 is the most painful!

  7. yup. :)

    oops I mean nope.....


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