
Have u ever thought about ur death?

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i have thought about it too many times,and i've thought about the persons who wil come to my carrying-out and i've counted too many persons...what about u?have u ever had the thoughts like this?




  1. we all have to died and what is the problem about that.

    the doctors told me i had to die 3 years age of cancer i am still alive.

    Methuselah was over 923 years.-

  2. Not really, I'm focused more on staying alive.

  3. i dont think about how im gonna die as much as after i die. for example if i die now my family will be ruined. im not even 14 yet so my 3 brothers and 1 sister would be devistated and my mother and father would be a reck. when im older i want to be burried next to my love or cremated and thrown into the water. i grew up on the water so the water is a huge part of my life.

  4. im pretty sure everyone thinks about. i always wonder will i really be able to remember heaven...or where ever i go...and idk it hard to explain...and i always wonder what it will look like and who will take me there. a day before my grandpa died (he was in the hospital) and i was visiting him and he kept saying that there was a man at the end of his bed wanting him to go with him but he didnt want to go and he didnt want to leave his wife. it could have been his medicine making him hallucinate(it was a possible side affect of it) or it could have been real. God has a way of hiding things so that only believers will know its really him.

  5. yeah but it makes my stomach hurt so i dont think about it much

  6. yes I have taught about it an decided to be cremated, I think this is a better way, especially since I have seen the Cemeteries, so overcrowded, and much better for the environment. However I still need to make a lot of other decisions, on some  I am procrastinating. Like to whom would I leave what? Since my children are much better off than I am , what difference would it make to them anyhow? The answer may well be to sell and in that way  recycle most of the items, and give them the funds.

  7. i have thoughts like that all the time and i always wonder if im really weird. i feel so much better knowing im not the only one!

  8. We're all going to die.  What matter will it make on the number of persons who will carry you out, it won't make any difference to you at that time.  After all, funerals are really for the living and not the dead.

  9. I appreciate my own mortality ever since an old timer in the Navy on the first submarine I was stationed on told me, if you are afraid for your life, it's flooding, otherwise it is just a leak. And then a few months later, I actually was placed in the position to be really really afraid for my life when we really DID have a flooding incident. A brazed pipe fitting gave way and there it was, water, lots of water, coming into the people tank. And yes, I really WAS in fear of my life! The idea in submarines is to keep water in the water tanks, air in the air tanks, oil in the oil tanks and the people in the people tank and not get it mixed up. Ever since, I have run into one close call after another, so I think about it most all the time. I fully expect a drunk is going to run me off the road, kill me, and the drunk will walk away without a scratch. 7 times in 21 years in the Navy I thought I was going to die from fire or flooding. The best thing is, I did NOT panic, I did what needed to be done as did everyone else and we all survived to live another day. Some were hurt in those 7 incidents, but no one died. I honestly do not care what happens to my body afterwards, organ donation of course is my 1st priority, then use by science comes next and finally cremate the remainder and scatter the ashes somewhere over water, the ocean would be cool. Hey, you can flush me in the bathroom if you don't feel like a road trip. I don't think I will be in a position to care let alone, object. All at minimum cost by the way as I see no point in being lavish in my life, so why would I change in death?. I do not worry about my death. I have only one fear regarding my mortality, just one, I am afraid that my dying will be a prolonged process, extremely painful and I will suffer greatly in the end. Therefore, I am contemplating a move to Oregon, so I can have a say in the manner and method of my death...

  10. everyday ,i am worried i might miss the end of the world

    i hope i can hang on till then in 2012

  11. too many times.i jest don,t what to drowned or get baryed quick sand. i even think of suiside.i wounder how many people will be there.i,m going to be creamated because it,s cheaper.also thing of buying the plote because there is cematarys running out of room.

  12. I think about it sometimes. I also think about what I would see after it too.

  13. It's the little things that make up the big things. Dieing is apart of life as much as living it is apart of dieing, which is ironically also apart of life. Hopefully when I die it wont matter too much to any one.

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