
Have u ever treated a guy like a puppy? why u felt doing that?

by  |  earlier

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well i'm 20.many girls had told me that look very cute pretty and hot very funny and nice(I'm not trying to be cocky here)

well recently I noticed girls keep touching me on my cheek with both hands and sometimes shaking it as well! it happened like 8 times so far

I only do that to Little puppies!

how can I do something that girls take me more seriously?

or r they actually taking me seriously and all these are just in my mind?

is it even a bad thing or I just making a big deal out of it?




  1. because alot of girls are weirdos lol lol jk

  2. I dont know,some people are weird like that.

    You have my sympathy,I suggest you put your foot down.

    I mean a hugs appropriate for showing affection,thats what I do with my friends.

  3. lol

  4. u already asked this question and got lots of answers. what gives?

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