
Have u ever wished u were royalty?

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Being a prince, princess ,dutchess ,duke ,king, queen ect.




  1. No.  They have to appear in public all the time, get their picture taken all the time.

    And, give speeches when on tour, or at the opening and/or dedication of places.  Can't have a day off "just because"  like I always can.

    No fun at all.

  2. I think everyone has at least once.  It might be OK for a little bit but I think all of the attention would get old after a while.

  3. yess that would sooooooooooooo rock!!!!!!!!!!

    when i was little i was soooo demanding and bossy that my mom joked around that i was royalty in reality and that i was adopted!!!!! and i always pretended that i was a queen.

  4. I do because then I could have money, live nicely & rule a country. I mean, I know I'd have to learn a lot of stuff & take c**p from lots of people for lots of things. But I'm kind of thinking that I'd be happy knowing that things were under my ruling were my own decisions

  5. Yes, when i was young. I was so fond of fairytales that I dreamed of becoming a princess. Now I realized that there's more to life that being a royalty.

  6. idk?? If the public wanted me to act like i had a stick up my *** no but if it meant one step closer to Prince Williams den HELLZ YEA!!!

  7. I already am. I'm a child of the most high God.  What could be better than that?

  8. yes but only so I wouldn't look stupid wearing a crown or tiara.  I really want to wear a crown.

  9. When I was younger, I did

    But now I'd rather be a normal person

  10. When I was little, I had a 'fanstasy' that I was the 'real princess' and that Anne was 'switched with me' when we were babies so that I could 'grow up normal' and be better able to 'rule' when my sister Elizabeth had to 'abdicate' the throne.  BOY AM I GLAD I WAS WRONG ... but I am ROYALTY now ... to my wonderful husband, who treats me like a real Queen (and I treat him like a real King, of course) ...

  11. Of course.. still do! :)

  12. HA who hasn'

  13. h**l YEAH! I've always dreamt of becoming royalty. Heck, I'll be pretty d**n rich! But I've always wanted to help out the poor. So I'll give 3/4 of the money I get from the tax payers to the poor and hungry of Africa and South east asia(since I'm from the Philippines) and of course the country in which I'm a royal person. If ever I'll be a prince or a duke or a king, my role model will be the princess of our hearts, Princess Diana. Well, I'll do everything just to be like her. I'll help the poor, loosen up the royal family and always be presentable to anyone. Also, I'll do all the royal duties.

  14. before....but now nope i am happy the way i am....

  15. Oh, it´s great to be in the Royal Kingdom of God! It is incomparable to the earthly royalty (s).

  16. All the time! I wouldn't even have to be an anctual king or prince, I'd be happy with the thought that I have royalty in my blood, and that in ancient times my ancestors were kings and queens!

  17. always! i would love to have some crown jewels!

  18. I used to say that I was Anastasia (even though Anastasia was before my time) and that one day my grandmother, the queen, would send for me and she would buy me everything the mall had to offer....

    but obviously she never came.

    And royalty have it easy when it comes to being admitted into colleges...Harvard would accept them right away because they add variety to the campus.

  19. I would hate that responsibility.  No I have never wished that, and now that the question is brought up, I can safely say I like being a commoner!

  20. omg, yes..  i have had dreams about being a queen/princess in the middle ages.  there is something about royalty that attracts everyone..

  21. Not since I was 6.

  22. No it just was like that from the beginning

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