
Have u ever won a trophy?

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Have u ever won a trophy?




  1. yes football, bball, baseball, soccer, gymnastics about 20 in all

  2. I've won 4 for basketball and 3 for academics  

  3. Nope

    Ur self?

  4. NO but my dad has a whole room full of bowling trophies....

  5. lol, ok. football/baseball/soccer/ And thats all I've ever really played.  

  6. I have won 7 all in hockey

  7. I've won MVP trophies in Hockey as a kid, but the on I'm most proud of was when I won the most sportsmanlike for my whole hockey school one summer.

    Edit: What's with the thumbs down, because I play hockey?? Show some class, I'd like to see you lace up some skates!!

  8. Yes, I won a anchovie eating contest 2 years in a row.

  9. Sure have, football, basketball, baseball, softball and darts!

  10. no but this year I'll get one  

  11. Yes. In football, baseball,and basketball.

  12. no

  13. Yes and i have a few medals for basketball as well




    Bowling (gym class but he gave one out lol)

    I have over 30 total

  14. Yes, in football, basketball, baseball, karate, and billiards.

    Have you?

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