
Have u seen the Debate between Lim Guan Eng and Koh Tsu Koon if so who is better u think?

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Have u seen the Debate between Lim Guan Eng and Koh Tsu Koon if so who is better u think?




  1. yeah what an interesting debate.. hope to see more in the future...especially between nik aziz vs pak lah..or sami velu vs karpal singh haha...

  2. Lim made a fool of himself and actually made the past Penang government look even better. Koh simply outclass him.

    Lim looked as though 'takde modal lain' other than keep harping about landscams, when the issue has been clearly explained by Koh. How bout broaching broader issues such as infrastructure development etc.? As an impartial audience, I was bored and sicked to the stomach of listening to his corny lines such "kita akan hapuskan kemiskinan tegar dlm masa setahun!", and some self-promoting lines concerning CAT (competency, accountability & transparency...not too sure on its correct full term), which bear no relevance to the debate. This kind of statement is so unbecoming and turns people off. On the other hand, Koh was witty, cool, and hit the nail on its head every time with direct point-by-point answers. I don't think Lim has actually thought through his entire line of questioning as there were lots of loopholes/weaknesses in it. There were times when I felt like shouting to the tv, especially when he kept asking why no action was taken on the officer involved in the alleged 40 million land scam, but only warning given. I wanted to shout "tindakan telah diambil la bodoh!" as BPR investigation has been made on the poor chap, but action can't be taken if there were no hard evidence that crime was committed. It's the basic grain of employee rights. And I agree that being transferred to another dept is not a punishment to the officer, ppl do that all the time to learn new skills, ..and on top of that, we're talking about an error that occured in the 1960s for god's sake!!, when there was no computers, no internet, everything relying on manual checking of millions of papers...something like this is bound to happen. the quantum, though, is unfortunate.

    To be a good public administrator, u need to be able to think and assess the situation before u decide or say anything. Lim has failed to do that tonight, while Koh has shown pure finesse in delivery, and master in the thinking game.

  3. Absolutely my credit goes to mr guan eng.Thumps up for DAP shoot right to the *** hole.

  4. Koh Tsu Koon is better.

    Lim Guan Eng - takde modal lain,no other issue.

  5. I don't like the both.................

  6. saw it yesterday, both are equal good. both are pro..not like the one before awuar and sabery. sabery sucks!!  

  7. well i thought koh tsu koon was better just now.  

  8. Saw the debate and the answer is obvious - Mr. Lim was clearly the winner! Mr. Koh on the other hand was evasive throughout and at all times (though he expressly claimed otherwise). Mr. Koh could have fared better had he not taken so many pot/cheap shots at Mr. Lim and the latter's administration ... the Info Minister's debate with Anwar (deja vu). On second thought, perhaps Mr. Koh could have performed better if he was more straight-forward. It appeared to me as though he was "covering" up some mistakes by the "people upstairs". Poor chap!  


    Guan Eng wins easily

    By Leslie Lau

    KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 20 — Any doubt that Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng was the big winner in tonight's "live" televised debate with his predecessor Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon was probably erased during the winding up by the two men.

    The knock-out punch came in this one-liner from Lim: "If there was no corruption in the previous Barisan Nasional (BN) government, then they would not have fallen in the March election tsunami."

    But Koh was not the only loser in the debate.

    Lim scored points against Umno and the BN as well by using the occasion to insinuate Koh was still protecting his coalition partners and that he had given special treatment when allocating land to those with political connections.

    "Why was special treatment given to Abad Naluri in the allocation of land originally meant for recreational purposes to be converted to one for mixed development for the Penang Global City Centre project?" he asked.

    Koh may have thought the occasion was an opportunity for him to score political points in a valiant attempt to revive his decimated Gerakan party.

    He was wrong.

    Handshake between Lim Guan Eng (left) and Koh Tsu Koon at tonight's debate. — picture by Choo Choy May

    His advisers should have told him that the topic of the debate, to discuss accusations by Lim that his government had mismanaged various land deals and caused hundreds of millions of ringgit in losses to the state government, would cause him to be on the backfoot.

    And indeed, Koh looked uncomfortable and defensive, except for a few glib comments and retorts, in the form of accusing his political foe of being more interested in attacking him then in governing the state.

    "He is now the CM but yet he still behaves like he is still in opposition," said Koh at the beginning of the night's proceedings.

    That was probably as good as it got for Koh.

    Lim, on the other hand, appeared to understand the art of debating in politics.

    He hammered home the point that the previous state government's mistake in alienating land that it did not own to a quarry operator had caused more than RM40 million in damages to the state's coffers.

    The DAP secretary-general also kept asking the question of why Koh's administration had not taken action against the officer responsible for the mistake.

    But more than just debating the alleged land scams, Lim used the occasion to highlight his administration's manifesto, publicising his commitment to "competency, accountability and transparency," or CAT as it has become popularly known.

    Koh attempted throughout the debate to defend his administration, pointing out that two probes conducted by the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) found no wrongdoing.

    Perhaps his advisers should have also told him that public confidence in the ACA remains low even now.

    Strangely, Koh resorted at one point to his almost photographic memory of the dimensions of his former office to defend accusations that he had handed over an almost empty office to Lim after losing in the elections.

    "The Chief Minister's Office on the 28th floor has more than 14,000 square feet of office space. The CM's room has more than 2,000 square feet. All the files are kept in the cabinet.  The desk may have been empty but that does not mean there were no files," he said.

    Lim's reply to that was to stick to his point that he found no files.

    "We had to dig, dig, dig ourselves. But do not worry because when we had no resources in opposition we still managed to uncover scandals, what more when we are in government."

    But perhaps the moment which underscored the uneasiness in which Koh found himself in tonight was when he was answering a question on how he thought land administration could be improved.

    He said that improving the administration was a continuing process and was an "unending struggle".

    Perhaps that was not quite the answer that should have been given by a man defending almost two decades in power as chief minister.

    Gerakan is already wracked by infighting and in much turmoil following the loss of Penang to the DAP.

    Its acting president may have to do more than appear on television to regain political support.

    Debate on Penang land issue falls short        

    Thursday, 21 August 2008 01:35am  

    ©Bernama (Used by permission)

    KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 20 (Bernama) -- The "Controversial Penang Land Issue" debate between Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and Gerakan acting president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon failed to find a solution to the alleged "land scam" in Penang.

    Koh said Lim's allegation that the "land scam" happened during his tenure as chief minister was politically motivated.

    Although challenged repeatedly by Lim to reply to the Penang "land scam" allegation, Koh declined saying it  

  10. ksk was much much better than lge.lge was talking the same thing which was already answered.n i feel MALAYSIAINSIDERS are biased(they send their own reporter as Lim Guan Eng's assistant in the debate).

  11. Well said to the guy above me.............

  12. Koh is very Pro.. but I still support Lim. As we don't need a very good skill to telling a truth.  

  13. koh tsu koon

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