
Have u sent your child age 3&under to therapy?im talking about seperationanxiety or something like that.rd dtl

by  |  earlier

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im not a parent i just want to know what kind of things kids under 3 would need from therapy...

im thinking about possible future for me

what exactly is the job called?

did it work?

what did they do to help your child?





  1. It could be a lot of reasons a child would need therapy...

    tramatic loss (death / put into foster care)

    RAD....just to name a few

    My child is in therapy and has been for a very long time to help him understand why he was put into foster care.  They do play therapy and talk while he is playing.

    I think it has helped some, but he has many more years of it as his honeymoon period was over the last day he saw his mother and father and he is really taking it hard....but can ya blame him - NO

  2. I don't think a child needs therapy for separation anxiety - its a very normal phase kids go through.  I think its something that can be worked out between parents and their child.

    There are kids that do require therapy though for other issues and I think its wonderful that you want to into this field.  Depending on what you wanted to specialize in, you could become a child psychologist or psychiatrist, a developmental pediatrician, occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech therapist, etc.....

    Good luck!

  3. I am taking my 3 almost 4 yr old to a child psycologist...he grandpa was diagnosed with cancer last year, and dies within 6 months...he's been having trouble with that, which is causing him to act out, and have anger issues.  I'm hopint he psychologist can help us control the anger issues, and give me the tools to help him with the death in the family.

  4. some kids show signs of bipolar and other mental disorders early and if you get them help on how to control it young they may not need meds as an adult

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