
Have ur computer ever harmed u in ur life before?

by  |  earlier

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if it did how did it trouble u?




  1. No it hasn't, its more a case of my husband letting in virus & stuff, so that when i loose my work i nearly have a heart failure.

    (its ok, i do save to flash drive).

  2. Not at all.....

    Actually it helps me keep in touch with all my family and friends more, especially that i am not living in Egypt.

  3. Not yet but I think that will happen if I lost the data on my hard disk

  4. so far , no & I hope it will never happen!


  5. Yeah once my computer pulled an AK-47 out of nowhere and went berserk!

    Quad processors can go hay-wire!

  6. i am with 3abdel 7ameed but not with 3abbood opinion lol

  7. No I keep all the sharp stuff away from him so he will never get a chance to turn on me .....

    Lol !

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