
Have we been unfair to President Bush?

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Everyone has made it clear that they are upset with bush in this forum. I find it interesting that some of you people will still vote for McCain




  1. When people compare him to Hitler, not only is that unfair and untrue, it's downright juvenile, irresponsible, and nauseating.  I dare anyone to say that kind of stuff about another leader in their land and see how fast you get arrested, unlike in the USA.

    And I didn't vote for President Bush.

  2. no if anything hes screwed us over

  3. is this a joke?

  4. How are we unfair to a president with a C+ average? Should we applaud him for a "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq? Maybe we should endorse him for calling out Iran's nuclear programs when in 2004, there was a hidden file in the Congress that Iran had suspended its nuclear programs? How about we give him an award for lowest approval rate for any presidential campaign? Or maybe we should hug him for $5 a gallon for gas?

  5. Yes

  6. unfair?

    he has been unfair with us and the whole world.

  7. In one way I think so. He told you when he was running for office that he was going to secure America's oil resources.

    What did you all think he was talking about then?

    Then he began the war for oil in the middle east, an illegal aggressive war to secure the oil. Of course he had to manufacture excuses, of course he had to lie.

    He could not then and can not now admit to it being a war for oil.

    Instead it has to be the war against terror, which is an impossible thing to declare war against.

    War was declared against Afghanistan 2 months after the Taliban government refused to guarantee a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan where USA owned the oil fields to India through Afghanistan and Pakistan instead of a gas pipeline from Iran through Afghanistan and Pakistan to India.

    Once the Afghani government fell to the US invasion forces and was replaced with the Karzai puppet regime then the assualt on Iraq was restarted.

    Now that the occupation and subjugation of Iraq is proceeding well operations against Iran and possibly Pakistan can commence.

    Syria may be attacked as well.

    So Bush is delivering on his election promises.

    Yes, he had to lie to USA to get them ready for war, and he had to lie to the United Nations and NATO to get them to accept an illegal war for oil.

    But, hey, that is politics and that is what a politician's job is.

    I am not a left or right wing radical.

    I am a realist.


    I read through the other answers and am quite disappointed by them. This war was not about giving freedom to Afghanies, or about terrorism (explain the lack of serious effort at catching Bin Laden if that was the case) but about oil.

    All about oil and about nothing but oil.

    Now that India, Pakistan and Iran have signed a new agreement on a gas pipeline from Iran to India USA through Karzai has threatened to invade Pakistan, has put increased pressure on India to choose the Turkmenistan gas pipeline instead op Iran and has stepped up the war talk against Iran, including threats from Israel to bomb Iran.

    If your only sources of information is Bill O'Rielly you will be getting none of this.

    You should look up Indian newspapers and govt statements as well as sources from other countries which are reporting on the deals they are making with your rulers.

    I bet none of you knew about the proposed pipeline across Afghanistan, the American owned oilfields of Turkmenistan or the fact that Bin Laden has close ties to the Bush family and was a CIA funded operative.

    Instead there is a rather poor Disney-like view of the world

  8. President Bush gets a lot of s**t but in case no one has noticed, there hasn't been a terrorist attack on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001.

  9. Unfair! Yes! He has made a few mistakes so forgive him so he can try to make America proud!

  10. Bush got better treatment from the press than any president I can remember (except maybe Reagan, but maybe not).  His whole first year in office was a 'honeymoon'.  He didn't even speak to the American public for the first nine months of his first term.

    After 9/11 he was a great hero.  His popularity was the highest of any president since we began keeping track of presidents' popularity.  The whole world was on our side.

    But Bush used 9/11 the way he's used every emergency and crisis of his administration, as a justification to do what he wanted to do when he came to office.

    I don't think anyone would even deny it, the Bush administration is the most corrupt and lawless in our history.  How many presidential administrations have had top people quit and then write books denouncing the administration and admitting they themselves were forced to do things that were dishonest and illegal?  The Sec'y of the Treasury, the Sec'y of State, the Press Sec'y, etc. etc.

    If we were FAIR to President Bush, he'd be in prison by now!

  11. I think the better question is has he been unfair to us.

  12. Yes. He has prevented further terrorist attacks on American soil post 9/11. If we had been attacked again, we would have lost many more than the 4,000 troops who willingly gave their lives for the protection of this country.

    There are still fools in this country who think that they could run America better than the Commander-In-Chief himself, despite the fact they have no clue what the heck is going on in the diplomatic and political world.

  13. Yes.

    We, the public, don't know what is going on other than what the media tells us and quite frankly, they can't be trusted to tell us the whole truth.  Thus, we jump to erroneous conclusions about nearly every issue facing the President and the country.

    I believe that Pres. Bush has been trying to do his best for the country.  Perhaps some of his decisions have been ill founded but he didn't know that at the time.

    As for the middle east, we have made a mess of things and we can't just walk away.  We have to clean up our mess first.

  14. only those with BDS have been.

  15. The man had the audacity to say he gave up golf to show solidarity with the sacrifices the troops were making. (Photos of him playing golf 2 months after he claims he gave it up notwithstanding.) He deserves every criticism he gets and then some.

  16. have we been unfair to president bush???  the question you should be asking is has bush been unfair to us.  He has lied countless times to get our country to war.  He is a warlord that needs to be stop he has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraq civilians.  he manipulates the media to make Iraq civilians look like terrorist more then freedom fighters.  the Iraq people do not want us there and the America people don't want to be there.  HE NEEDS TO BE IMPEACH NOW!!!! I DON'T CARE IF HIS TERM IS ALMOST OVER!!!!!! this country has never in history been truth full and morally wrong dating back to killing the Native Americans for their land and justifying it by saying it was the word of god to kill the devil worshipers but last time i remember the pilgrims came over here to escape religion oppression.  **** BUSH AND HIS ADMINISTRATION.

  17. Quite the contrary my dear....

  18. No, hes the president which means hes the fall man.  If FEMA messes up with Katrina its Bush's fault, if global demand for oil goes up causing higher prices its Bush's fault.

    Its part of the job.

  19. Yep, give it about 16 months and we will look back on the Bush days as the good 'ol days.!!

  20. No.

    He had the option of appointing competent and trained personnel to various agencies and instead appointed political hacks.

    Bremer, Brown, Gonzales, name just a few that come immediately to mind.

  21. NO. He deserves all the disrespect he is getting, and will get in the future.

  22. I don't think so.  He ignores fact for rhetoric and has sabotaged his own War on Terror.  His record on domestic issues is horrible, and he is slow to come to the aid of Americans in the face of disaster.  The only unfair treatment we've given to Bush is re-electing him.

  23. No. We should expect the excellence from a president of the country which we expect from the president of a private company. Can you imagine how quickly he'd have been replaced if he were a president of a fortune 500 corp, and had made all the blunders he has made thus far?

  24. unfair doesn't even begin to touch the depth of the hatred towards this man...but, that's liberals for ya...

  25. even if that was the case.. he still didn't prove the american nation wrong.

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