
Have we earned our freedom?

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"Its not whether we deserve it buddy, we earned it. Go ahead and try to take it away from us. Deserve, haha." -Alex B of Yahoo! Answers

Excluding soldiers, what have you, the average American done in your lifetime to "earn" your freedom?

Why should the burden of Democracy be put on the soldiers of few?

Does paying federal taxes entitle you to freedom?

Do you believe a Military-Draft violates our free-will?




  1. of course we've earned our freedom.

  2. You say freedom is 'earned'.  That implies that you believe that man does not have any freedom unless someone else gives it to him.  Have you not even read our charter papers?  "Born with unalienable rights".  All men are born free, are free on this earth under natural law.  Freedom can never be given, just as life cannot be given.  It can only be taken away.

    I respect military veterans with the utmost reverence, and I say this with great care, for I thank each and every one of them for the sacrifices they have made.  BUT; with the exception of the few surviving WW2 veterans, and a handful of special forces ops who do necessary awful things in the dark of night, there aren't any soldiers that have fought for our freedom.  They fight for power, money, commodities, and other peoples freedom, but not ours.  I feel sorry for them that they have to do this, and I wish them all to be home safely very, very soon.

    Ironic as it is, federal taxes seem to do little but pay to build the mechanisms that restrict our freedom more and more each passing day.

    A military draft is the ultimate violation of freedom.  The notion that a government can say that it owns your body & soul, and can dispose of it at will in any far-flung hellhole that it chooses, for any reason of its choosing, is the practice of a totalitarian fiefdom, not a free nation.    Were this country under the threat of genuine attack by another, the lines to enlist to fight would be miles long, and I would be at the head of them.  Drafts are only necessary to make young men fight in senseless, profiteering wars that have nothing to do with their own homelands.  No more crusades for the USA, thank you.

    I don't have to earn a thing, but I will defend it; for myself, for you, and for our children, to the death.  John Hancock & the rest of the undersigned earned it in blood.  We merely need to keep the torch lit.

  3. No, it is an inheritance from the Founding Fathers, the soldiers of the Revolution and all those men and women who fought for it.  Our freedom is a gift from them - we have a responsibility to preserve it or else we make their sacrifices pointless.

  4. It's been earned by our forefathers, in blood and sweat.

  5. I am THANKFUL for this country to let me LIVE FREE.  Happy Fourth of July, Everyone!  I place flags in my neighbors' yards and that every soldier I see!

    My family hasn't been here but for several generations (1920) and they had to endure the learning of the language and their names are on Ellis Island.

    I am European American, Italian and '

    PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!  I don't care where you came from!  If you live here, You Are American!!!!!

  6. The military is a job like any other, in cases of draft its a necessary violation of "rights" to preserve that freedom which will be there when the draft ends (and if you don't draft you will be taken over and have NO freedoms), paying federal taxes does earn you the right to be free.

  7. It's not about what we've done in our lifetime to earn freedom. The reason this place was founded and established so that it may be a beacon light for the world on how civilized wise men can settle their differences and be one under common law, Gods law, and natures law. If we must go to war to prove we should be free then that means independence was never established. Military drafts is another form off dictatorship in the country along with taxes and every other thing that is forced upon us. We need to Go back to the first 10 Amendments and start forming every law around those 10 instead of the contradiction we have here.

  8. Yes, back in 1776

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