
Have we entered a new geologic period, based on man's effect on the planet?

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Should "Anthropocene" be the new geologic period we now live in based on the noticable effects the past few generations have left on the planet?

Here is an article about the new name and period we might have created;




  1. Well, I would say it happened when we started modifying the land all over the globe.  I dont think it has anything to do with global warming.  Dont forget the fact that our population is the most dominant thing on the earth.  We all need food and land to live on, as well as natural resources that need to be dug up.  Our marks will be left on the planet, and those are what make up this epoch.  The planet has never seen any species spread so quickly, and dominate so quickly until now(or 200 years ago, whenever you agree that our spread was unstoppable).

  2. I see the climatologist wackos are trying to take over geology.  Why don't they stick to their own fields of alleged expertise?

  3. we are changing slightly but it is not all have to do with man's affect on the planet. it is not very well known, but the ozone layer actually healed it self and no one noes why. so it is the way nature works and you have to adapt or die that is the way it is

  4. If that's what you want to call it, fine.  Nomenclature is kinda arbitrary anyway.

  5. Yep, I actually read about this in a book I'm reading by Fred Pearce.  It's an appropriate name for an epoch in which human influences are dominating factor in climate change.

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