
Have we fixed global warming? sure seems that way...?

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will these cold temps never end?




  1. Yes we did, in the same way our ancestors fixed the last ice age.

  2. wow, sorry, but that is really ignorant.  we've barely scratched the surface in terms of "fixing"

  3. there is nothing to fix the earth goes through hot periods and cold periods

  4. Global Warming is big pile of bull ****, how can you believe that ****

  5. yea they will

    here in central new york winter started realllllllll slow

    in january we were having 60 degree days xD

    but yea itll stop :P

  6. No you fool.

  7. There was nothing to fix. The earth goes in a cycle. It can take care of itself. It has since the beginning of time and nothing humans are going to do are going to effect that a whole lot.


  9. Not at all. I't's seems cold now but im in florida it's the winter and it feels like I'm wearing 5 heavy jackets in the midle of summer!

  10. I think so!

  11. No when Al gore returns from his hiatus in Tahiti and fires up the lear jet and his hummer Global Warming will return!

  12. urgh global warmings far from over, but i feel you, i hate this weather!

  13. I'm afraid of global warming because if it gets really hot, Hillary might campaign in a thong bikini and it would make me vomit to see it.

  14. what world do u liv on?

  15. Done.

  16. the icebergs are still melting due to the warmer climate

    the wildlife, including polar bears are starving and dying due to the melting icebergs

    if you ask a polar bear if global warming is fixed, their dying cubs are evidence that it isnt

    if you ask a human if it is fixed, it depends on whether they are able to see beyond their own front yard.

  17. There was nothing to fix. It was all the fat-*** liberal porker Al Gore's big lies, which have now been debunked by hundreds of prominent scientists.

    Since people have been conditioned to being fooled by this nonsense, as well as Santa Claus (who also isn't real), I suppose this is why they're equally as caught up with Hussein-Obama, who also stands for nothing real.

  18. Global warming is something u can fix. no matter how u change ppls ways.

  19. i always thought that global warming was something invented by republicans and the oil industry, when the proper term would be global climate change.  I guess its too much for their redneck supporters to understand words and concepts like averages, and the fact that the world is bigger than texas and the bayou.

  20.'s fixed.  We are now heading into global cooling...also known as AGC.  This cooling trend has been brought about by Rosie O'Donnell.

  21. Yeah they will end.  Then you will see 100 degree summers and little fall.

  22. As far as i know, global warming hasn't been fixed yet. Although there has been moves to reduce the release of CO2 which trigger the opening of the ozone layer of our dear earth.

    Until such time that this opening of ozone layer be closed, global warming won't be fixed. This is the sole reason that in times of summer, it gets really very hot , and in times of winter, it gets really , really cold.

    The ozone layer which is supposed to filter the heat of the sun cannot do its job because its distractedly open. And same thing with the cold at night, the ozone layer could not now control the coldness that go in through this open layer.

    Because of this high temperature that we experience, the polar caps is affected and it's really being thawed by high temperature, and as a result, the water level at the sea become higher.

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