
Have we forgotten? ?

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It seems lately that our society only names the virtues of honesty and caring. Have we forgotten about honor, justice and self discipline?

IE: The ever growing homosexual population and homosexual supporters continue to preach love and acceptance without setting a standard of how a person should act.

Doesn't morality consist of drawing the line somewhere? How can a society like this continue?




  1.    I find it much like religion...we only read the verses that fit our life style. People will dodge the bullet as long as possible or skip the last stanza and just hum the tune. It's always been that way...I suppose it always will. At the rate we are going we will be the smallest star in the universe.

  2. This can easily be intertwined with religion. If the line is drawn to something it's going to be of a lesser issue than that. Christians believe that the world is not going to get any better. It's only going to get worse until God comes for his world.

  3. Morality does count and a line should be drawn somewhere. Societies living like this do not continue. All we need to do is look to the Roman Empire to know that they do not.

  4. You think too much.

  5. What are you talking about?, I have a lot of g*y co-workers and they're probably better people than you are.

    Culture you say, what culture are you talking about?

    We forgot about justice? What do you mean by that, tell me when there was justice in this country, do slavery and segregation ring a bell?

    Honor is just stupidity, a social construct, just another reason to die for.

    Homosexual supporters what? What do we do? You don't even know me and you're already judging me.

  6. I totally agree with you. The times are changing so fast. Older generation is forgeting to  preach Young's with their life experiences.  

  7. I think you're right that we don't place much emphasis on honor, justice and self-discipline.

    However, I think there are so many manifestations of that apart from homosexual behavior, if in fact homosexual behavior IS a manifestation of that (I don't know if it is or not.)  I wonder why people focus on that particular thing so much.  

    Today the earth is ruled by big business, and the rule is that when it comes to making money, anything goes.  It doesn't matter what is destroyed, what is wasted--people's lives, people's physical and mental health, the environment...the destruction is just mind-boggling.  Where is the honor and justice there?  How much more destructive than homosexuality is this?  There's just no comparison.

    Yet it seems to me that the religious people who are the ones speaking out against homosexuality are resolutely silent on issues like these.  I've listened to quite a lot of Christian radio, and I hear over and over again, people speaking out against homosexuality, abortion, s*x much having to do with s*x.  But never a word about the immorality in the world of business.  They talk about s*x in movies a lot, but never a word about s*x in advertising.  At least the homosexuals are mostly just doing what they're doing in their own lives, but the advertisers are inundating people with sexual images to sell products.  They're filling kids' heads with this stuff from a very early age.

    I don't know if homosexuality is immoral or not, but I believe the people who condemn it have a right to do so, as long as they respect the people who believe differently than they do.  It's a sticky issue, because people have a right to personal freedom, and people don't have a right to immoral behavior.  Issues like homosexuality or corporate power have become so politicized.  Some issues are a big focus with the left, others with the right.  I wish there was more balance.

  8. As far as Justice is concerned, check out my most recent answer.  In regard to Honor and Self-Discipline, I am not sure why your question is directed at only ONE particular sexual orientation.  A lacking morality is not unique to homosexuals or thier supporters.  However, I do understand your question, as well as the lack of boundaries that exists in that particular facet of our human population.  It exists in us all though, make no mistake.  

    Each of us talks about such things, but few demonstrate it in thier lives.  Understand that Morality is a human concept, and that much of what we percieve as "right" and "wrong" is only popular cultural and societal opinion.   Some of what is deemed Wrong currently in our culture, was not so in other times and cultures.   So, try not to judge.  It is not for us to do so.   And to answer your question, NO we cannot as a society continue on in this way and expect a positive result.

    What we CAN do - What is our (moral?)responsibility to do, is what we KNOW to be right in our souls.  GIVE/LOVE.  For ourselves and for others around us, for that is all we are truly able to affect.   Practicing to live this way, we would all be, as you put it 'setting a standard of how a person should act'.   .......  right?     *sigh* ~  i too, have a dream...*

    walk in beauty~~
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