
Have we forgotten the War on Drugs, Our Police are in more danger every day! Where is the will to end drugs?

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Have we forgotten the War on Drugs, Our Police are in more danger every day! Where is the will to end drugs?




  1. The war on drugs is a farce and is really a war on the American people.

    The "warriors" do NOT want the drugs to go away, they want the revenues from the fines and the tax dollars given them by the Federal Gov

    If they really were serious about a war on drugs, they would reclasssify pot and decriminalize it so people wouldn't have to deal with "real drug" dealers that will try to sell them hard drugs.

    Billions of dollars a year are pumped into the hands of the authorities regarding this matter, now tell me, do you really think they want that to go away?

  2. The war on drugs will never end and the cops will always cry about how dangerous being a cop is. As far as danger being a cop it don't even make it to the top ten on the list of dangerous jobs.

  3. "The War on Drugs is unwinnable and being fought at great cost.  It's corollary damage includes a loss of basic personal freedom and a gigantic increase in crime and official corruption, and no one has a coherent answer to why we, as a society, tolerate legal drugs that kill and ruin so many more people than illegal ones.  The cost of the Drug ar is many times more painful than would be the licensing of drugs combined with an intensive education of non users designed to warn those who experiment with drugs." -  William F. Buckley (1996)

    Prohibition of Alcohol was repealed because people figured out that it could never be made to work, as long as there is demand there will be supply, no amount of "will" can change the Laws of Basic Economics, and for things like drugs (including alcohol and tobacco), gambling, and s*x there will always be a demand, History makes that abundantly clear.  Legalization and regulation can minimize the negative consequences, but, until humans change at the basic biological level, that is about all.  People to need to accept that and change the laws accordingly.

  4. I think its quite frightening that we have all these troops stationed in the Middle East right now, when we have a very significant crisis on our own homeland on our war on drugs between the US Mexico border.

  5. There is NO REAL movement to stop the war on drugs.  Drugs are a social ill that is claiming young lives, shattering homes and living a generation of children without proper examples or guidance.  It is not high on the list because the POWERS TO BE make way to much $$$$$$ off the drug trade, drug raids and drug repercussions.  Yes, it kills millions of people but millions are made and millions are employed.  It is also a very effective tool to get rid of what some would call undesirables in our society.  If the government felt it was serious threat to the stability of American Life, they would go after it like the IRS comes after you for their Money!!!!

  6. The only way drugs will stop is when people come to their senses and stop using them. Where there is demand, there will always be supply. Until people stop seeing drugs as "fun" and "recreation".........Drugs will ALWAYS be available, and no one can ever stop it. NEVER.

  7. Drugs will not go away, that is the reality.  If we really wanted to end it, we would have bombed the c**p out of Columbia and all of these other countries years ago where the sources are.

    You need people to lock up and to have the police arrest so they treat addicts like criminals while the sources rack in all of the $$$ overseas and continue.

  8. What we need to do is end the war on drugs by legalizing all of them. the same elements that desire the war on drugs are still funding the CIA dirty tricks with the profits of drug running. also the purpose of the drug war is to criminalize and enslave people and to remove the competition for the CIA drug runners.

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