
Have we forgotten the issues?

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I guess I have a couple questions, and I realize that the second day of the RNC is about to begin and I want to talk about last night :-)

But...Is it just me, or did no one talk about the issues last night at the RNC? There was a lot of talk about needing to reform Washington, but the only plan I heard was that McCain will talk with both sides of government to make this about "America, not party". Still, no hard set plans though.

Part II - Similarly, was it just me or did Lieberman only speak about what McCain has done, not what he will do? He also said that McCain "fixed" our immigration problem...then why do so many people still think it's a problem? I might have missed something.

So 1.) Why aren't they talking about the issues; 2.) Why haven't we heard any plans to fix the problems...why haven't we even heard of the problems; and 3.) Are they trying to ride past votes and pretending an issue was "resolved" that is still, by all means, a problem?

Sorry for the long question...if you don't want to read, you don't have to respond.

Thanks everyone




  1. Sadly, I agree with the basic points made by THE MAD EMBALMER and you.  The conventions are all show biz and they are praying that the American Public is too dumb to understand what the real issues are (I THINK THEIR PRAYERS WILL BE ANSWERED).

    THIS WOULD BE A GREAT TIME FOR THE DEMOCRATS TO LAY DOWN A DETAILED PLAN FOR FIXING MANY OF THE COUNTRY'S PROBLEMS - sadly, there is no such plan, only chants of NEW government, NEW leadership, NEW this, and NEW that.  That will probably satisfy most folks who will be voting.

    In the meantime, Gov. Palin has become the new PARIS HILTON of the news media.  I like her (although I don't like McCain).  But Americans are not ready to have a women step into a role where she may become president. We are the same folks who humilliated Geraldine Ferraro in a past election and little has changed.

    One thing is for certain, WE MUST END THE OCCUPATION OF IRAQ AND GET A GRIP ON OUR ECONOMY.  There is little chance of turning the corner on those issues with a Republican president.  

  2. I just think it is all becoming to high school, as I wrote on another answer, it is like "who wants to be class president" It is going to take a whole helluva lot to get this country where it needs to be, I am tired of people calling Obama recist. period. this country has been lead by racist since the biginning, why change it?*sarcastically* oh yeah he is black though. *shakes head*

    None of the issues get brought up because all republicans want is a f*ckin rock star to match Obama's shine. It is stupid to think any ONE can fix all that is wrong with the USA but if everyONE did something it would be absolutely impossible not too. I don't know maybe I got off topic a bit...  

  3. 1) real issues get in the way of politics...keep the sheep entertained and dumb and the 'vote' will follow

    2) The Republican leadership got us into these problems, McCain sides with the repbulican leadership 95% of the time in the last 8 years....Once again, Keep the sheep entertained...

    3) Americans are very lazy...tell them something and they believe it...Remember, you can take a pill to make your manhood bigger and they have to tell the truth because they are saying it on television...

    Many americans still believe there were WMD in Iraq and that Iraq was somehow involved in masterminding 9-11 all because we were told that. Sheep will blindly follow their leader off a clif....and that is what Americans are....SHEEP.

  4. Republican's tactic in trying to wrestle the Democrat's "change" theme is going a little bit awry: Released excerpts from Mitt Romney's speech tonight go as follows"

    "We need change all right -- change from a liberal Washington to a conservative Washington! We have a prescription for every American who wants change in Washington -- throw out the big government liberals and elect John McCain."

    ..hang on, "liberal Washington"? Who's president right now..?

  5. Bravo Gene - great answer!


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