
Have we found any planets outside of our own solar system that have an oxygen / methane atmosphere?

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Ok...I understand the whole consept of how astronomers can look for a star to blink when a planet passes in front of it. Light waves pass through the atmosphere of the planet and spectrometers on earth can find out what elements are in the atmosphere. But have we found any planets with this type of atmosphere?




  1. Sly person!  I know why you're asking that.  And if I was an astronomer engaged in such research, I would be intently looking for a way to do that kind of atmospheric analysis from this distance.

    For any who may not know, the presence of methane in an oxygen-rich atmosphere is almost pure proof of life.

  2. Oxygen atmosphere, I don't think we have found any to date. However, we have found atmospheres of planets around other stars with water vapor, and one, , with traces of Methane in it!

  3. Not yet.  At least one planet is believed to have an atmosphere, but nobody knows what it contains.

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