
Have we found the center of the universe?

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Have we found the center of the universe?




  1. we have a good idea of where it is, just not the exact place.

  2. No.  There is no 'center' of the universe.  Nor could one ever be found. Every place in the universe is the center since from any place it would appear that galaxies are receeding from there.

  3. The 'center' of the universe you want can only be seen in the 4th dimension. You do not have this capability. For us, the center of the universe IS the universe.

  4. It's simple,

    "Yet not", may be in coming future we might know the center of Universe but it is sure that it's not so far.

  5. There is no center of the universe.

    Because of Einsteins Theory of Special Relativity, you are always your own center of the universe - you can only see things relative to yourself, but never have any absolute reference like an absolute center of the universe.

  6. Yes, we have. It's literally everywhere. It's where you are sitting, and it's 843,283 light years from Earth, and it's everywhere else too. I know that's counterintuitive, but when you reflect that everything was once all together in the same place, it makes a bit more sense.

  7. yes, we're in it.


    I think he found it, check this scientists link.

    To see this you must click on the link. Then look at the 4stars **** in the web address. Delete the stars and type a r s e. Dont leave spaces. Then you shall see the truth. This is highly sensistive info,

    good luck.

  9. no there is no centre of universe. we have only discovered part of our solar system. and solar system is like ant while comparing with universe. universe doesnt have boundries, centre, shape.

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