
Have we gone too far with being politcally correct and protect anti-white agitators?

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One of the most idiotic statements I saw recently was "Is Walt

Disney racist? How come no blacks ever star on his movies?"

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However if I dare to complain about the anti-foreigner tactics of the country I work in, it gets deleted immediately or is minimized. Some examples I leave for you to ruminate over are:

I had to work with a sociopath, who was a w***e and a teacher. I couldn't complain about her as she said she knows too many good lawyers. How are we to be PC with such types?

I found myself being "mowed down" by a car.

A co-worker drove like a maniac to scare the BJ out of me.

Called a demon within 15 minutes of being downtown.

Asked by a co-teacher if I was wearing any underwear.

Asked to strip down a bit for a photo.

Told all the possible ways to commit suicide.

Had apartment inspections with no notice given.

Asked for pin numbers for my bank accounts here and overseas.

(Don't give me BS about what I've done wrong-I've done nothing!)




  1. The people at yahoo answers has. This is a given.

  2. Any kind of discrimination is bad.  No one should use words or tactics that hurt.

    I worked for 12 years in a black-led school, and I learned what ''reverse discrimination'' was from firsthand experience.  The irony of it all is I'm 1/2 Cherokee Indian.  Even though I enjoyed working with the black students (They were fun and funny!), I took all I could from the racist administration, so I left.  I hope they enjoy their mono-cultural school once they drive out all the whites, Latins, and others.  I'm sure some say white people deserve a "taste of their own medicine" but 2 wrongs don't make a right, and in my experience at that school, I found that white people treated blacks better than blacks treated each other.

  3. Too much PC? Yes, the "Kid Gloves" are starting to fade. The American public is starting to wake up and understand that this PC garbage has and is leading to the destruction of the 1st admendment. Free speach is being shredded by groups like CAIR, ACLU (actually ACLFLU for it appears to be a virus sucking the life out of America).

    People take the ear buds out of your ears, look around and live life, meet new people, find out what has made this country great, understand what has made our country so great and why people are h**l bent on destroying it, then maybe you'll understand why it is so important about preserving "The American Way of Life." Borders, Language, Culture.

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