
Have we grown too dependent on our own federal government? Should we be?

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I don't know if it's just me, but it seems we were once very independent, but now we need the government to bail us out of mortage crisis' and relief from disasters because our own states can't bail us out. Will this continue? And what do you suppose it will lead to?




  1. No it's not just you.  The liberal left has been supporting a socialist America for years.  Their philosophy is "for every problem, our government has a solution".  Sorry, but that leads to communism.  What we need is a smaller government and let the American citizens prosper from their own ingenuity.

  2. Our dependency on the federal government to bail us out is what is causing our economy to continually sag.  We need to be more responsible with our money and investments as people.

  3. It is a mess that is for sure.  Our economy is going the rout of socialism where we will need almost complete support from our government.

  4. Yes we have and no we should not be dependent.

  5. As far as the bail out of fannie mae and Indy mac,I think its just wrong.Its a privately owned government subsidiary(an oxy moron and unbelievable item)  It scares me because it gives the illusion that there is no risk in the markets of any type,because the Government will come and save you.This kind of thinking will only worsen the market in the long run with whining investors.Since both of these institutions support the voting fraud conspirators of ACORN(assc of community organizations for reform now)(also a very liberal lobby) whom as i was told by a realtor,will give a lower income family the loan and pay the downpayment on a house(without having to pay the initial downpayment back) Its no wonder they have ended up where they are.If this program wasnt govt subsidized,it couldn't make it in a free market for more than a week.This is one of the ideals that will lead to entitlmentism and decay of the financial institutions(making it harder for self independant people to do anything with out the govt to bail you out and keep you in check,and dependant upon them.

  6. NO. Our President Bush has made us INDEPENDENT of government, look how much smaller it is! All we need to do is keep a close eye on the American people by spying on them.

  7. Yes we are way too dependent on the federal government.  It will most likely lead to socialism.

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