
Have we lost all our faith with Middle east??

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Iraquies,Afghans and Iranies changed their minds by hating the U.S armada, after destroying their peoples and now do you think that the U.S Gov will renew relationships of peace with middle eastern countries..??? Are they the ones who had the fault in the beginning???




  1. well i think the terrorist are to blame, but the u.s had it coming on account that the u.s is causing more violence to the middle east. In the future people will think before they act against war.

  2. Unfortunatly yes.occuping Iraq & Afganistan hasn't left a good impression for major people.I think US wasn't successful to renew Iraq & Afganistan & therefor to satisfy their people. Now they all know that US gov is after Iraq oil & that producing drugs have increased in Afganistan after US occupied there.Even some other countries have blamed US people in the world don't support US activities. Conditions must have changed.

  3. The Middle Eastern countries need to write their own history without everybody trying to get a piece from the cake. Egypt also doesn't go to the US or Europe and demands that we need to implement the island as a state religion and change our way of life.

  4. Well I'm one of these who think that all terrorism is comes from within, the arab nations would not have had war without the intervention of the west, we taught them how best to kill each other, and provided the weapons to do it, and then the war cartel turned like a cancer against it's host, and now we bare witness to the death and destruction it leaves in it's path to glory  New World Order.  God protect our children, because we can't.


    I am from Damascus where Jesus grew up.

    we still have Churches 2000 years old. we respect all faithfuls

    the USA came after oil, the big lie of WMD in Iraq, plus pretnding caring for democracy .

    no Muslim or Arab country represent any threat to USA,on contrary, most peoples respect the American peoples.

    the G8= the gready 8

    the global warming will cause more death than all wars combined.

    the bottom line= each soul should try to save self and others from h**l and find place in Jannah / Heavn

    scholar on unity of faith

  6. people destroy people. cultures are being destroyed too. people always point fingers. i dont see any long lasting repair between them all... we're doomed.

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