
Have we not heard one of the most eloqeunt, best delivered VP Nominee speeches?

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Sarah Palin leaves no doubt in my mind that she has what it takes to be a great Vice President! She is a down-to-earth, home-grown, one-of-us citizen, and she will look out for ALL citizens of our great country!

Watch out Obama! This soccer mom has big, sharp teeth!!!!!




  1. While Juliani was the "red meat" speaker of the night, Ms Palin gave a very good speech but hardly the best ever.  I think she accomplished exactly what she needed to do - let America get an idea of who she is, rip into Obama  a little and reiterate McCain as a war hero ready to lead.

    What she didn't d, nor any Republican so far, was give us the nuts and bolts of McCain's platform.   But perhaps that's not necessary for the Republicans any more than it would be for the Democrats.  But the Independents will want that information.  It remains to be seen how she does on the campaign trail.  I'm sure she'll be very good with Republican audiences, as Biden will be with Democratic audiences.  But under the intense glare of the media, will be a different story.  So far Obama has held up very well.  In fact, the intense media scrutiny and criticisms of his private life  has strengthened Obama.  Biden is well known and an old hand at this so he will get a pass as will McCain.  

    Will she be the attack mom or will she be spelling out McCain's positions?  Will the media give her a pass or will they dig into her?  How Will she do in a debate with a seasoned pro - (Joe Biden)

    Will the McCain campaign be able to reframe this election on the old God, Flag and Country generalities or will Obama force them to talk specifics?

    It's going to get hot and it will be interesting

  2. We did? I must have missed it. All I saw was some woman bashing Obama and skirting the real issues.

    I dunno who she was. Probably won a trip there or something.

  3. just more prepackaged unreality.  Just like 99% of everything else on TV.  How can you watch someone read a prepared speech and be so taken back from it.  Anyone could do that.

    Even still,  it didnt have any substance anyway.  I didnt hear any plans for America.  It was more like a pep rally.

  4. Definity. It'll be hard for McCain to top it.  It might have been better with out as much non-stop cheering that she had to pause for. Can't wait to see her debate Biden.

  5. I thought you right wingers didnt like "speeches".

  6. the speech was pretty good, but overly populist and stated no issues.


    Reminded you of Reagan???? LOL!!!

    Obama's speeches remind me WAY more of Reagan, with soaring rhetoric and great pacing.

    Palin sounded like she was reading...

  7. The speech was great


  8. No, we have not.

  9. She delivered an interesting speech just a few weeks ago in which she praised Joe Vogler, leader of the Alaska Independence Party (the speech is on the Web).  Vogler's blog says this: "I am an Alaskan, not an American.  I have no use for America or her damned institutions!"

    So, since you're so infatuated with that traitoress, tell us: Why Do You Hate America?

  10.  I didn't really hear anything about her other than being PTA and soccer mom.  Once she started the bashing, it was all over for me.

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