just when i thought this uk gov(having introduced about 4,000 new offences in their time in office(including photo,s of your kids)up pops harriet harman with yet another gem....
ok so i rape a woman and she taunts me saying i cant get it up,so i kill her,thats ok.
i have an argument with my neighbour over 5yrs about his leylanndi cypress hedge blotting out the light to my windows,so i kill him,,,thats ok then,,,
why doesnt this complete P*llock together with jacqui smith and their choirmaster gordon broon get out of our lives and out of parliament,
merseyside MP george howarth is saying ,,,,we (the labour party)are in a perilous position,we have to ask ourselves how we got there!if you dont know i can sure tell you,,starting with failed promises over last twelve years and in particular the failed to deliver referendum on the rehashed maastrich,treaty to name but one...and your go ahead no matter which of the less well off it punishes,,failure to decrease tax on petrol/diesel