
Have we seen all the "Labour"debacle yet,or is more to come?

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just when i thought this uk gov(having introduced about 4,000 new offences in their time in office(including photo,s of your kids)up pops harriet harman with yet another gem....

ok so i rape a woman and she taunts me saying i cant get it up,so i kill her,thats ok.

i have an argument with my neighbour over 5yrs about his leylanndi cypress hedge blotting out the light to my windows,so i kill him,,,thats ok then,,,

why doesnt this complete P*llock together with jacqui smith and their choirmaster gordon broon get out of our lives and out of parliament,

merseyside MP george howarth is saying ,,,,we (the labour party)are in a perilous position,we have to ask ourselves how we got there!if you dont know i can sure tell you,,starting with failed promises over last twelve years and in particular the failed to deliver referendum on the rehashed maastrich,treaty to name but one...and your go ahead no matter which of the less well off it punishes,,failure to decrease tax on petrol/diesel




  1. No-one is saying that killing is OK.  (Your comments are approaching slander!)  Simply that there are degrees of killing.

    Decreasing tax on fuels would increase use and, therefore, help in destroying out environment....that's all right then I assume?

  2. Yes there is a lot more to come, Brown will be getting his pat on the back from the Elite, as Blair did.  But as for the referendum, we did not need one, as the EU is illegal in British Common law, Brown has committed 'Treason', that's why he was so 'shy' in signing it, treason used to be the death penalty, they had to change it for them to continue, as the Queen had to be signatory too.

  3. sadly unless there is some major catastrophe we can't get rid of them either and i don't think they will depose Brown because after all what or who would take over the leadership.

    And Cameron if he ever comes to power will most certainly have his work cut out to clear up the debacle left by this administration. We won't get out of the Eu / Lisbon treaty if it is ratified by Brown, Cameron said there will little if anything he can do if its signed away. So where are we and what are we left with. Just a useless government, introducing one useless policy after another, meanwhile yours truly is thinking of going to Downing Street and banging on the door to tell the numpty in charge to buck up or ship out.

  4. The only good thing going on at the moment is that the labour party is destroying itself.  The sooner they all die the better!!!

  5. First of all watch out for a steep rise in the crime rate as society catches up with the law!

    There are probably many hidden grievances that will now be repaid with the potential change in the law.

    In the Houses of Parliament (which is now empty as they are all going on holiday) there is a faint echo in the corridors.


    It’s Tony Blair’s voice.

    “.......Tough on crime – tough on the causes of crime”.

  6. Take it from me!There is more to come!They are courting the female and ethnic minority vote!

    What they have forgotten all about is Middle England who got them in the last two times!But it is too late now!

    What we  have yet to witness is the infighting of!Who will be 'Top Dog' after the Inept Gordon Brown has been 'politically stabbed in the back'

    The electorate will not forgive the Labour   Party and Gordon Brown in particular on their refusal to give the people their right to vote on the EU Treaty Amendments!

    They will be destined to be the Opposition Party at the next General Election!

  7. i think its genius!! what better way to get the murder stats down by re defining murder as some thing El's entirely. they could do the same with theft! and then we would have records that show no problems at all.....its labour!! legalising yet more lies and deception....what do you expect? they have a good couple of years to go yet.....just think of the damage they will go on to do in that time......good old British democracy eh!!

  8. all the big action is to come in the Autumn onwards.

  9. It's one stupid idea after another ...

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