
Have we seen the last of Damon Allen?

by Guest56556  |  earlier

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...or do you think Toronto will use him around the end of this season, or that he'll be playing (possibly somewhere else) next year?




  1. The Stamps could use Damon right about now.

  2. Unless he plays when he comes off the IR, I think we have

  3. Toronto will probably re-activate him when he comes off the 9 week injury list.  Imagine if Bishop were to get hurt?  Allen would be a real solid insurance policy.

    I don't think he'll be in TO next year.  With all the injuries to QBs this year I bet that a lot of teams would have loved to have him on their roster, but with the salary cap I don't think anyone can afford him as a third string QB.  Nobody will want him as a starter, and as Wally Buono has proved, you have to have a succession plan, which means he can't be number 2 either.  Number 2 has to be your next long-term QB.

    So, it's straight to the Hall of Fame for Mr. Allen.

  4. No, hes finished.......he couldnt lead ant droids to a picnic anymore.

    Bye bye Nomad Nella, was nice knowing you, you were by far next to dug frutie, the most overrated qb in history!

  5. It's disresspectuful to say weve seen "the last" of him..... hes had an amazing career, espesialy in toronto.... the rest of his career i think he'll play backup to Bishop....

    does that answer youre question?

  6. Damon Allen has carried the argos on his shoulders. He led them to Grey cup glory in 04. But know I think Allen is done. He has helped the argos and really has been a leader. If he was younger he'd probably be playing first string. His age is stopping him. Although there is a chance he could play. If Bishop goes down near the end of the season, Allen will get his chance to show toronto he can still play. But for the most part Allen is done. We have entered a new chapter of Argo Football. If my prediction is correct. Bishop will come into the role of Allen one day and bring the Argos Grey cup Glory.

  7. When he comes off the IR Argos will drop the current third string qb to get him back in the mix.  He may even get put in to the second string on the depth chart.  As long as he feels he can play and the team feels he can contribute we may see him again next year.  It's tough for guys like him to walk away after football has been his life for more than 30 years and I can't imagine him going far from the game even if he does hang up his cleats.

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