
Have weird digits ,what does it mean when your digits are curved inward?

by  |  earlier

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my pinky and ring finger are inward on both hands. on the pinky it starts at the top joint by the nail, on the ring finger its by the lower joint . middle fingers curve slightly toward the ring and pinky fingers and index are straight. and all my toes except big one curve toward the big toe slightly . but the pinky toes curve enough that it almost looks like it can go under my ring toe.

and my father has his middle toes longer then his index and long too about same length as big toe

I heard about how finger ratio tell some things about you what about these?

I know it might be untrue but its still interesting to hear about it




  1. which way your fingers and toes curve is genetically inherited

    i don't know about it telling you anything though, it's just the way you are

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