
Have you, or do you know anyone, who has ever stolen a garden statue out of someone's yard? For what reason?

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It's not like there's a black market for them. So what do they do with them then? Is it that they get some satisfaction out of depriving their neighbors of small pleasures of only sentimental value? And if this has ever happened to you, did you get your property back? What would be a good way to go about trying to recover it?




  1. We have many statues and art work in our garden. We have had two things stolen from it. One was a carved wood post with a carved Eagle at the top (worth about $500.00). We reported it to our police department and even gave them photos... that was two years ago. We believe that it was taken by some renters that lived down the street from us, that moved with a big moving van the morning after it went missing. The second item was a gazing ball, worth about ($10 dollars). We never reported that.

    It is sad but now we concrete statues, fountains and art work into place. Gazing balls and such we glue to its concreted in base, with a water proof outdoor glue. Good luck getting your item back, we never did. Faira

  2. I've had a few things go missing and I completely understand your anger.

    Mostly bored teenagers, but I believe one thief was actually a landscaper who stole a Japanese bridge from my garden.  Probably made money installing the bridge into one of his clients landscapes.  With no proof, I've never gotten anything returned.

    I've heard of people cementing in statues and planters, or chaining things like a bike.  I've also heard of someone painting one side of a planter with glow-in-the-dark paint on the back side of a pot "stolen from 123 Adams Ave."  She swears her pot was mysteriously returned one day.

    I think about the only thing you could do now is file a police report and brush up on your Voodoo.

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