
Have you, your family and friends experienced more flight cancellations this past year?

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There seem to be more and longer flight delays. My sister just spent the night in Cincinatti because her flight from Austin to Philadelphia via Cincinatti was cancelled there; plus my niece had her flight from Austin to Indianapolis cancelled in stop-over Chicago for two whole days (and in my niece's case, the airline refused to pay for lodgings).

My family and friends fly a lot, but I've never heard of as many problems as there have been this past year. Have you, your family and friends been experiencing more delays like this this past year?

[I assume it's because the airlines are cutting corners wherever they can. 'm concerned enough to plan my flight from Philadelphia to San Francisco a day earlier, for a course I'm taking in SF, lest I miss a day of the course because of a possible flight delay].




  1. cancellations, delays, flight chages, lost luggage, all of it this past year

  2. Airlines use what is referred to as "over-booking" in operations management.  This inherently can cause hickups and slowdowns in normal operations.

    The primary reason I see is because of the airports themselves not working with the airlines.  JFK, for example, manages the run ways but does not interact with airlines.  When all airlines are racing to get people on the run way and up there will be a tremendous slow down.

    This, in addition to weather and general operations management of the airlines, has caused numerous flight to be cancelled.

  3. luckily my flight went on time.

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