
Have you've ever been suicidal for a long time? this is the longest i've ever felt like this?

by Guest62060  |  earlier

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how'd you got out of that phase??

I just can't help this feeling of self hatriot

You can read some more in my previous question:;_ylt=AsTiujHZjI_dW_XGlw3lMhTsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080818163743AAjQgNy




  1. for me, it was clearly medicine that made the difference. it certainly didnt fix all my problems or make my life perfect. not by a long shot. but it makes things a lot more manageable for people with chronic depression.

  2. Aw hon, you need to get some help. Not because you're "crazy" or anything like that, but because you're suffering and you shouldn't have to go through it alone. Something what helps me personally is journaling or writing poetry... maybe that's not for you, but try to find a way to express yourself.

  3. Yes, I have and still am. It seems to get better and then go away as if I never started to feel better at all.

    It's been going on this way for over six years now. I to see a therapist and will be starting meds soon again. I keep trying hoping I don't get to the point of attempting suicide again. I feel every decision I make is the wrong one. I see people living there lives happy and going through the motions like I did a long time ago. I think how do I get it back, my smile. It out there somewhere this I know.

    This week has been real tough and I'm not sure why it's harder then the week before but it is. So I say to my self maybe next week will be better. I think of my family and knowing they love me helps at times. I try to think that if I made it this long I must be strong.

    I've asked many people what did it for them. Hoping their story will relate to mine and give me the answer. I know it took my a long time to get this way and will take a long time to get back to the way it was.

    Have you tried changing meds or your dose? I know there is many different kinds of therapy, maybe a change will do some good.An online support group may help. They are their when you need them and never bother you when you need to be alone. Mine has saved my life. I call them my internet family.

    I guess it's hit or miss, you just have to keep searching and never give up hope. Your not alone. Remember you have loved ones, even though it might not help right now, it's more then some people have. Mine keep me going.

    Please take care and never give up


    I don't think anyone will think you are selfish or a coward. The problem people have with it is not understanding depression in it self. Depression is not the sign of a weak minded person or is it something that can be willed away. It just doesn't all of a sudden go away. We know what what made us this way but getting it back is a whole other story in it self.

    Feel free to email me anytime. Read my profile and you can learn a little bit about me. I wish I had the magic answer, I would surely let you in on it. So far all I know is part of it is hard work and not giving up. Believe me I'm the Queen of giving up.


  4. find the root of your depression and face whatevers bothering you

    is it really self-hatred\?maybe low-selfesteem?

    fight it cause if you kill yourself what will that teach you?

  5. i know this will b hard, but u need 2 find god in ur life. if ur feeling pain, let urself feel it. dnt block it out. then find out y u hate urself so much. then maybe if u go 2 church or start a bible study u will find god in ur life, and u wnt feel that way anymore. & helping people makes u feel a lot better.

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