
Have you've ever had one of these days...?

by  |  earlier

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I want to run away

but I have no place to go

I want to cry

but the rain keeps washing away my tears

I want to yell

but there is no one to hear me

I want to hit something

but my body is already badly beaten

I want trash my house

but I have nothing that is just mine

I want to sleep away the pain

but I have no place to lay my head

I want to die

but God doesn't want me yet

I want what I can't have...serenity




  1. I've had my share of bad days and am so sorry yours are so emotionally tense.  

  2. emosaywhat?

  3. No becuz me and my cousin have live together and we got along since we were were

  4. Hi Anjel,

      You are having a bad day worse that mine My Friend.I hope things get better for you.

    Your Friend,


  5. Anjel..Hang in there God's going to work it out for you. Nobody said the road would be easy just put your hand in God's hand and everying will be a right.

  6. Hang in there Anjel!!!  You are in my prayers.  Love in Christ

  7. Umm, no. My days are usually more poetic and satisfying.

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