
Have you Ever been surprised about being chosen for best answer?

by  |  earlier

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Especially one where the questioner obviously had a very strong opinion and you were completely disagreeing with the questioners assertion and not candy coating or being being nice about it when displaying opposing facts.




  1. Yes, sometimes the questioner seems to just give it to just anybody with a pretty face Avatar.

  2. I vote for my own answers

  3. yes I have been before I was like what I got best answer

  4. no

  5. Yes. I told an Atheist off for posting an offensive question in the "Religion and Spirituality" section just to talk smack about Christians.

    I was shocked when he chose me for "Best Answer"!

    I guess he wasn't as close-minded as I thought he was . . .

  6. Yes this has happened few times with me but I think the way in which I understood the perspective , mind set of the asker , probably he or she was impressed, like mostly I would get best answer for this question !

  7. oh yes, and then they emailed me asking me out on a date....wth??

  8. I have been pleased with being chosen as best answer, BUT that was not my primary motivation for answering the question in the first place.

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